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Playing wrong songs

Playing wrong songs

Android marshmallow 6 Samsung s7 edge. Spotify free.
I choose an album to shuffle shuffle or press on a song on the album, it plays one or two then completely goes off track! I chose email. Good zayn album it played a couple then played maroon 5 then Katie Perry and near error went back to zayn . It says Zane is next but doesn't play it. Also it will play the same artist but not a track thats on the album I'm trying to play?!
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong. ?
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Playing wrong songs
1:45 PM
Android marshmallow 6 Samsung s7 edge. Spotify free.
I choose an album to shuffle shuffle or press on a song on the album, it plays one or two then completely goes off track! I chose zayn album it played a couple then played maroon 5 then Katie Perry and never went back to zayn . It says Zane is next but doesn't play it. Also it will play an album by an artist and it will play the same artist but not a track thats on the album I'm trying to play?!
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong. ?
Labels: Play Queue Shuffle

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