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SD card checking for errors and not closing Spotify before rebooting causing lost offline downloads

SD card checking for errors and not closing Spotify before rebooting causing lost offline downloads

Has anyone else noticed that when you reboot your phone and you don't wait long enough for your your Android phone to "check for SD card errors" but instead go right into Spotify you end up unsyncing and therefore loose all you offlibe downloads? Also I have noticed if you don't completely close the Spotify app before a reboot the same thing happens.  Thanks.  

8 Replies

Hey @elevatorboy,


This is a known issue and sadly isn't able to be fixed by Spotify.


The only way I can suggest that will allow you to avoid this issue is to keep Spotify on Internal memory rather than the SD card, which is definitely inconvenient. As you said it is caused when you don't shutdown Spotify before rebooting your phone or accessing Spotify before your phone has started and checked the SD card properly.


If you need anything else, I'm here for you!




Thanks so much Jordan you've been so helpful I might as well also ask are you actual staff or just a very friendly Avid Spotify user? I will definitely come to you first when I have any other problems with Spotify which I'm sure I will have unfortunately.

Thanks @elevatorboy! That means alot to me that I've been super helpful to you! I'm not actually staff at Spotify, as you said, I am just a Spotify user here to help people! You might call me a 'Rockstar'! Lol


Anyways I'm always here if you need any help! When I get home I'll send an awesome playlist your way because you are awesome!

Hi again, I hope you don't mind if I always go to you for help. I now have my music synched to my internal storage.  I still had problems but they said there might have been a corruption during the process? Ii did all the reinstallibg and stuff but I am always worried when it will come down to having to do a reboot thinking I will loose my offline diwnloads.  Also do you know if any solution to undownloading an offline download and clearing space from that download of an album song or playlist? Or is the only solution to do a clean clear the catche an have to redownload everything again when your storage gets full.  I still hope unchecking an offline download at least lowers the download limit from your 3,333 songs. I guess it does not help that I have had so many problems with music apps and I have  g.a.d (generaized anxiety disorder). I just keep thinking yhere is going to be another ussue and the fact I can't use my SD card now for Spotify pisses me off. Spotify developers should know better. Let me know any info you can provide and if you have come across issues of your own with using this app. I also wonder is there anything else I can do to secure my offline diwnlodow more like move the Spotify folder to a different secure within my internal dtorage. I am so tired of the issues so am am very sorry for the super long msg. Thanks so much Jordan aka Mattie 

Hey @elevatorboy,


You can absolutely ask me for help whenever! That's what I am here for!


When you uncheck your downloads Spotify should remove the songs and free up the storage space they took up. If it doesn't you can use Smart Manager to do a clean up of your storage and that will free some space up. 


If you need me to make some instructions to make it a bit easier for you, I will be quite happy to do so!




Please do so with the instructions and also what about the other questions I had thank you so much Jordan for everything that you do.

I've also heard by doing this you could run the possibility of losing your offline downloads. I've even heard from the Spotify stuff that only way to clear your storage is by completely removing all your offline downloads and starting off fresh I don't know if this is your experience. 

I haven't needed to delete my offline songs in quite a while and haven't downloaded more in some time as well as my mobile plan allows me to stream Spotify indefinitely, so I can't exactly remember if you need to delete them all, I will finish off the instructions for Smart Manager and they will follow this message!


Just so you are aware I am running Android 6.0.1 Marshmellow so the instructions will be exact on that but may vary on your version slightly 🙂

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