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Spotify keeps deleting downloaded songs

Spotify keeps deleting downloaded songs

Spotify premium keeps deleting my offline downloaded music, despite of the fact that I have enough empty storage room. What could be causing this problem?
189 Replies

I download all my Spotify music and a few times recently I've encountered an issue where all my downloaded music is randomly deleted from my phone. All my music still shows under 'Your Saved Songs' but none of the songs have the green arrow next to them to show that they are saved offline.

Any ideas what causes this? I've not done anything to the SD card the music is/was stored on, so not sure what could be the cause. Is it just a UI issue, and the music is still actually downloaded? Any advice would be appreciated! Very frustrating having to download thousands of songs every now and then for no obvious reason!


I think it's their updates that breaks it. I have to download 50gbs on a 2mbit connection for the 4th time in a couple of years. Extremely annoying. One time I was doing a road trip across Europe and it deleted everything the morning I was leaving. Very pissed to say the least. Spotify's updates usually removes or breaks functionality, which is why I'm still running 0.9 on desktop, since it is superior to the newer alternatives with it's advanced functions like "Choose as current playlist". 

The randomly disappearing tracks is a standard problem.

The frequency of loss depends on the update version. As taedium replied, it gets better/worse with each update of the Spotify app. One recent version saw me having to redownload approx 50 tracks every day. Current version is about 50 per week. In some instances in the past I lost around 1000 tracks in one go. 

Don't expect any answer or fix. Has been like this in the 2.5 years that I have been premium.

Only pattern in my usage that I can find is that once I go above 2000 tracks, it becomes a bigger problem.  Maybe the app simply has a problem to keep the tracks mapped/catalogued on the SD card.

I essentially lost all of my downloaded music too. Well, first I lost like 70 percent of it. Redownloaded a bunch of songs...  then lost everything.


I'm thinking about switching back to Google Music. I think it has something to do with their most recent update.

This happened yet again this week when I was going on a 8 hour drive. Lost over 3000 songs, but they still occupy space on my SD card. 
I'm getting beyond frustrated with spotify and will look for alternatives. 

Hey @jetlinssen, welcome to the Spotify Community! 


You can try removing all of your offline devices here. Sometimes there can be a duplicate cache in the offline devices and it's fixed by removing them.


After that, just reinstall the app following these steps. Finally, you'll need to download the music again.


Let us know how it goes!

I'm on my 4th re-download in the past 6 months.... Android, Galaxy S7. 

Is there a way to download them from the sd card back to the app? Instead of using data, I got logged out and when I logged in all music was there but not playable off line. However still occupy my sd card...

I'm also having this issue - trying to find an alternative to Spotify as the fix was to delete my account (losing everything except my playlists) and create a new one. Did that, it worked for a few weeks, then the same issue came up.  Gutted, as I love Spotify and happy to pay ... just can't rely on the music being there when I'm out and about, which is the whole point of the app (for me anyways).


I have tried everything imaginable for this including two hard resets of my phone. The fact that there is no fix for this when people have been complaining for over 5 years is completely ridiculous.
Subscription cancelled.

Yup. Very dissapointing that I pay for premium but there's no offline feature because it deletes all my downloaded music once a week. I'm gonna have to get rid of spotify, they won't address this, and I don't want to pay for an app that doesn't work.

Hi guys. There are many possible causes of music "undownloading" which makes troubleshooting difficult but let's see if I can't help some of you fix this. Please try the following steps, give it a week or so and let me know how it goes.

  1. Go here in a web browser and hit the "Remove all devices" button. (All offline music will be removed).
  2. If you are using a third party memory/cache manager such as ccleaner or clean master, make sure spotify is excluded or simply uninstall it.
  3. In spotify's settings, set the storage location to internal storage. (you may need to limit your downloads depending on how much internal storage you have on your device).
  4. Run spotify like this for a time and shout if your music undownloads.

It just happened to me. I have everything in the internal storage, I never clear the cache as well. I had 20+GB of downloaded music which are deleted. This is so frustrating as a premium subscriber.

Yes, I will cancel my subscription next time it happens. I hope it is a long time from now.

This just happened to me for the 3rd time, wiping all of my downloaded music. Everything was saved on internal storage (running an S6, not like I have an alternative anyway).

Extremely frustrating, appears to be a reoccurring issue for many users and yet still unresolved. Very much considering the jump to Google music.

Happened twice to me...will cancel my Premium too. Now without WLAN and music for a month. Thanks Spotify. And they don't fix it although there bringt tons of complaints....Nice customer service. I'll go back to Google Music. For 10 €/month it should work.

Only reason I stuck to Spotify as they have more of the obscure music I
like 😕

I just had this happen to me. I spent over an hour last night, burning gas in my truck BTW (since my head unit eats through the battery when connected to WiFi), downloading close to 4GBs worth of music to my truck's Android head unit. I did this because I just reset the head unit and was going on a trip today. The downloaded music worked great for the first half of my trip. I got in my truck about an hour ago after stopping for water and all my downloaded music is GONE! This is ridiculous! I have another 6 hours left before my trip is complete, and all my downloaded music is GONE! I pay for a premium family account! This is freaking ridiculous!

I have also noticed that the Spotify does not like a crappy internet connection, even when you are not streaming songs and just listening to downloaded music. The app crashes or takes forever to load. Why does the app need to constantly ping the internet if you are not streaming? Do I honestly need to activate the offline mode? Why can't the app just realize that it is offline (or a crappy connection) and react accordingly?

This issue has been marked as solved, but it is far from it!

I'm in Thailand and was counting on my offline playlist very heavily. All gone now. Very **bleep**ty spotify

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