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android app login difficulty

android app login difficulty

Hi there, I'll just cut and paste what I put on Facebook rather than type it all out again! Here it is -

GEEKS AND NERDS HEED MY CALL!! Trying to find the answer for what I need in the Spotify community forum is like trying to read the Koran upside down in a well filling up with treacle. I am a premium member and cannot log in to the app on my s4, when I try it says 'to connect with Spotify, please turn off the offline mode' except I can't cos I CAN'T **bleep**ING GET INTO THE **bleep**ING APP TO TURN IT OFF IN THE **bleep**ING FIRST PLACE. It just sends me back to the same message. Please help!! There's all the Chambourcy Hippopotomousse you can handle if you do! xx


1 Reply

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Have you tried following all of the steps in the android troubleshooting guide



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