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In Our Headphones

In Our Headphones: July 2023 🎧


Hello everyone!


In Sofia, where most of us are based, the God of Heat (also known as the Great Sizzla) has given his best to fry our brains into abstraction 🍳 🌞. It’s easy to say that these days we have developed a great compassion for omelets and our empathy to stir fried vegetables has also grown. 


But today is the first cool day in weeks and we would like to celebrate, by sharing with you what melodies have been ringing In Our Headphones, while our headphones were melting 🎧 


Let’s start with @Vasil, let’s see what's cooking for him:


"Hey folks!


Here are two of the more modern songs I listened to this month. M&M is a treat as usual and that one song from Architects cannot be listened to just once!

I'm also seeing them live soon so I'm pretty excited.





And, before we move on, have a timeless classic as well:"




Thank you, Vasko. And to paraphrase M&M “Our palms are sweaty”, cause how would they not be with almost 40 degrees Celsius… 


Next up is the King of Blogs and the connoisseur of heavy music @Joan. He has some steaming bulldozer music fresh out the oven for us:


"The death metal wave I've been on since December is still going strong this month, empowered by my recent concert adventures. This time I saw the very first death metal band ever - Possessed! These guys made thrash more evil and heavy and their iconic tracks are killer to this day. I am so hyped that I got to see these guys, given how long they've been around. Also their paraplegic frontman Jeff Becerra proves that a man in a wheelchair can still be metal AF and I just find that inspirational as hell!






I recently did my blog about war-themed songs and I just had to mention British icons Bolt Thrower. They are one of the most prominent bands to choose this as their primary subject matter, especially in the death metal space. I've been delving into their discography recently and man, I've heard before that they are considered one of the best death metal bands out there and now I see why - the crushing riffs like tank treads, the drumming like swords clashing against plate armor and the vocals like the war cry of a rabid beast, it's some of the most pumping stuff out there. And if that wasn't enough, they also make music about Warhammer 40K, which has become one of my favorite fictional universes in the last few years. So that's just more reasons to love them. It's a damn shame that this band is no longer together. I hope they reconsider in future:






Also shoutout to fellow Bulgarian band Deadscape. I have a bit of a funny history with these guys and finally got to see them live, an amazing show indeed! They make fantastic melodic death metal on par with anything Northern Europe can put out. Melancholic, heavy, powerful and presented through exquisite musicianship. Keep up the fantastic work, boys and girls!"




And you keep the fantastic music taste Yoan! 


We move on to @Elena’s picks: 


"To nobody's surprise this month I spent almost every music listening minute obsessing over Sleep Token and the new songs from their album. Since I saw them live in June they are pretty much all that plays in my head no matter if there's any actual music going. For the blog I wanted to include:




The single after which the new album is named - 8 minutes 20 seconds of heart-wrenching perfection. When you're listening to the album you know this song is coming by the silence at the start which they give you to prepare yourself mentally for what is to follow."


That was a real trip, Elena. Thank you! 


But here comes Lyubka and with a simple turn of the volume knob she transports us to the Greek sea, where the breeze brings freshness, people dance at the sound of the buzuki and the heat finally makes sense:


"This month has been all about Greek songs for me. I don't know if this is caused by the fact that I desperately want to go to Greece. Below you'll find the song that was in my headphones pretty much all day every day:




The second track that I've been listening to was this one:




I enjoy the beat and Sean Paul is one of my favorite artists. I hope y'all enjoy them"


Thanks @Lyubka, who doesn’t love that Jamaican rudeboy?! 


And speaking of rudeboys, there is no bigger expert on the reggae/ragga/dub subject than @Kiril. He tells us: 


"These are my hot July tunes that melted my headphones:







What have you done Kiro, now we feel we have to just skank it easy until the sun goes down. These tunes also turned our headphones into eggs sunny side up. 


Lastly - it’s yours truly. I can just say that “despite all my rage I’m still just a rat in a cage”:




“But I will never show fear, even in my eyes, I will always rise - in wildfires”:




That’s it from our ear-speakers for this month. Thanks to everyone for the awesome tunes. Until next month! 


PS: Drink a lot of H2O and ice-cream is your friend! 🌊 🍦

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