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Death by sexy - Eagles of death metal MISSING

Death by sexy - Eagles of death metal MISSING

Hi there!!


i had Saved the whole album, and now 14 songs out of 15 are missing? What happened?


8 Replies

Hey @1116408631! Welcome to the Spotify Community. ^^


Sometimes content gets removed because of licensing changes.

Hopefully Spotify will have it available again soon! 


Peace ^^


Same here, annoying.

Hey 1116408631, I have been in touch with SpotifyCares via Twitter as I have been having the same problem.


Not sure where you are based in the world, but Spotify confirmed only one song on the album (I Got a Feelin) is available to play in the UK. 😞


Hopefully sometime soon, they will make the whole album available...

Bullocks, this happened right after the artists EODM (Eagles of Death Metal) and Eagles of Deatm Metal were merged, quite a coincidence isn't it.

Additionally, the song "I Got a Feelin (Just Nineteen)" is still available, whereas the remaining part of the album is not.


I am about to give up on Spotify for this particular reason, you can keep contacting customer service all you want, but corrupted (ie songs skipping or stopping suddenly) or missing content won't be fixed at all.




On further investigation using Christoffer's availability tool, the entire album is available in the US, whereas the song I Got a Feelin (Just Nineteen) is available to the rest of the world. Which sounds like a mistake rather than a licensing issue.


For some reason the following lines of script show up, which are probably a remainder of the link to the discussed album. Since I am not able to remove the latter I use a spoiler to hide it.

<script>// if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = ''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') { lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; } if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass=''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') { lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; } var lploc="1";var lponlyfill=null; if (lploc==3){ var lpdontsubmit=1; var _lpdoc=document; var _frm=_lpdoc.getElementById('js-login-form-email'); var _lu=_lpdoc.getElementById('login-username'); var _lp=_lpdoc.getElementById('login-password'); if (_frm && _lp && _lu) { if (_lu) _lu.value=lpcurruser; if (_lp) _lp.value=lpcurrpass; } if (!lponlyfill) { _lpdoc.getElementById('login-button-login-submit').click(); } } lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = ''; // </script> <script>// if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = ''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') { lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; } if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass=''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') { lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; } var lploc="1";var lponlyfill=null; if (lploc==3){ var lpdontsubmit=1; var _lpdoc=document; var _frm=_lpdoc.getElementById('js-login-form-email'); var _lu=_lpdoc.getElementById('login-username'); var _lp=_lpdoc.getElementById('login-password'); if (_frm && _lp && _lu) { if (_lu) _lu.value=lpcurruser; if (_lp) _lp.value=lpcurrpass; } if (!lponlyfill) { _lpdoc.getElementById('login-button-login-submit').click(); } } lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = ''; // </script> <script>// if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = ''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') { lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; } if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass=''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') { lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; } var lploc="1";var lponlyfill=null; if (lploc==3){ var lpdontsubmit=1; var _lpdoc=document; var _frm=_lpdoc.getElementById('js-login-form-email'); var _lu=_lpdoc.getElementById('login-username'); var _lp=_lpdoc.getElementById('login-password'); if (_frm && _lp && _lu) { if (_lu) _lu.value=lpcurruser; if (_lp) _lp.value=lpcurrpass; } if (!lponlyfill) { _lpdoc.getElementById('login-button-login-submit').click(); } } lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = ''; // </script> <script>// if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = ''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') { lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; } if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass=''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') { lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; } var lploc="1";var lponlyfill=null; if (lploc==3){ var lpdontsubmit=1; var _lpdoc=document; var _frm=_lpdoc.getElementById('js-login-form-email'); var _lu=_lpdoc.getElementById('login-username'); var _lp=_lpdoc.getElementById('login-password'); if (_frm && _lp && _lu) { if (_lu) _lu.value=lpcurruser; if (_lp) _lp.value=lpcurrpass; } if (!lponlyfill) { _lpdoc.getElementById('login-button-login-submit').click(); } } lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = ''; // </script>

Two years later... Any update on this? In the Netherlands the whole album is missing now, including "I got a feelin (just nineteen)".

Hi im from Sweden, i cant even buy this album in iTunes, so wierd! Why not sell this album. and why this album? 

Hey @Offthewallz


I've looked around a little bit and this album is on sale on a physical format in many stores (including those I use).


It seems the artist has possibly decided to make the album unavailable for streaming.

You can try contacting the artist, maybe they will let you know what they have decided with their music on Spotify. 🙂


Hope this helps!

I'm finding this really annoying, every other EODM album is available on Spotify, just not this one (I'm in UK) - however, the album is available on Amazon Music for streaming as i have it on there. Trouble is, I want all my music in one place, I can't add any DBS tracks to a playlist, if I want to listen to the album, I have to physically switch to Amazon Music - which I can't do if I'm driving!! 

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