If you have the Spotify desktop app installed on a desktop computer, there are some power user short cuts that still work even with the current desktop app version.
You can refine your searches in Spotify by adding extra terms into the search box. Note: search terms are not case sensitive.
Search by artist
artist:Radiohead – lists all tracks by Radiohead
Search by track
track:"My Sound" – lists tracks with the name My Sound
Search by album
album:Loveless – lists the album Loveless
album:”Many Faces Out Of Focus” – use quotes when the keyword contains spaces
Search by year
year:1989-2013 NOT year:1993
Refine your search with AND, OR, and NOT.
Kyuss AND Green – lists results with keywords ‘Kyuss’ and ‘Green’
Zeppelin OR Floyd -- lists results with keywords 'Zeppelin' or 'Floyd'
Metallica NOT Anger – lists all Metallica tracks except with the word ‘Anger’
Instead of using AND or NOT you can also use a plus sign (+) or a minus sign (-).
Further search options
genre: Displays music in the genre matching keyword. See the list of all genres, for example genre:blues, genre:"rock and roll".
label: Displays music released by the label matching keyword.
isrc: Displays tracks matching ID number according to the International Standard Recording Code.
upc: Displays albums matching ID number according to the Universal Product Code.
tag:new - Lists the most recently added albums. ‘Tag’ won’t return results for any other keywords.
I had better luck searching from albums released by Sanctuary Records Group by using this search string option in Spotify desktop app in the search window, spotify:search:label:"Sanctuary Records Group" include the quotation marks around the search terms "Sanctuary Records Group", also using this search string here, spotify:search:label:Sanctuary without quotation marks returned a bunch of releases under the Sanctuary label as well, even content licensed to a third party aggregate services, where the meta data listed Sanctuary Records Group in the label information.
That is about the extent of information I have about doing label keyword searching.