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Various questions about genres assigned to songs/albums

Various questions about genres assigned to songs/albums

I have two questions about how songs are tagged with genres:


Do songs get genres assigned to them on a per-song basis, or is the genre assigned on a per-album basis with no distinction between individual songs within the album (assuming the songs all had the same artist)?


Also, I assume there is no helpful way users can provide feedback about tracks/albums that do not have any assigned genres (regardless of whether the feedback is "correct" or "wrong" compared to the genres types spotify operate with)?

9 Replies

Hey there @Arikabeth!
To answer your first question;
Genres are assigned to songs one by one by the artist.

To answer your second question;
There is a way to do that! You can report Conent Errors here which include songs having the wrong genre assigned to them. Heres the link: [link]

Hope this helps, have a nice day! 🙂

Thanks, this helps a lot!


However, about the second question, do you think reporting a possible fitting genre for a song without any assigned genre is helpful? I.e. , does it contribute any valueable information if the songs remain will unlabeled as long as the artist doesn't provide any genre for the song, regardless of the reports given (and especially when the validity of the genres assigned in reports are questionable when coming from a random spotify user? ).


I wouldn't want to submit errors if they don't contain any useful data.







Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

Does tracks having no genre assigned "count as having the wrong genre assigned to them"? And if the answer to the above question is "yes", should I report tracks without any genre assigned to them even when I do not know which genre the tracks should have assigned to them? For instance there are 326 tracks with no genres assigned in one of my playlists, but I don't know if it would be spam or not helpful if the tracks were reported as having "the wrong genre". An example track is We All Lift Together (From "Warframe") by Keith Power


I asked about this issue a bit over 3 years ago in another post but it I did not quite get a sufficient answer to my query in that post:

Hey @Arikabeth ,


Thanks for bringing this question up.


As we've mentioned previously, we get all the content metadata from the distributors of the content. This includes the metadata about the genres.


Lacking genre metadata can be technically reported, but we can't guarantee the reports will be actioned upon, as there are other more urgent reports about actual mistakes and reporting missing genre metadata will lead to slower response on more pressing matters.


You can contact the distributors though. The distributors can then reupload the content with added genre metadata.


Hope this helps,



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Thanks for clarifying that tracks that has no genre assigned to them do not count as having the wrong genre assigned to them and that it's thus not something which should be reported.


Where/how do I figure out who was the distributor of various tracks were if I wanted to contact the distributor of a track to inform them about tracks not having any assigned genres in the Spotify catalogue though?

Hey @Arikabeth,


Thanks for the reply.


You can right-click on a song and then view the credits. There you can find the name of the distributing label.


Hope this helps,



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Thanks. I guess in this case of the "We All Lift Together" track the label would be either "Warframe" or "Digital Extremes Ltd." then?

Digital Extremes Ltd.png

Hello Dian,


Is there a certain way to report songs that show up as the incorrect artist? For example, I follow the progressive rock band Camel. Recently, a single came out by “Camel”, but it was not the band at all, but a totally different artist that claims the same name. Things like this make it disheartening when you think an artist has a new song, and it fools you.

Hey @HTBeedz,

Thanks for posting in this thread!

In this case, we recommend following the steps on this page. While we can't give you a specific timeframe for when this will be looked in to, this will get your report to the right folks.

Let us know if you need anything else.

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