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remove button not working

remove button not working

Plan premium


Country usa


Device desktop mac

(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)

Operating System os 12.6

(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)


My Question or Issue  the remove button is not working. ive clicked on the remove button, on the same autoplay songs 2-4 times yet spotify keeps playing them. ( i do get the we wont play this song on this station confirmation)

ive already signed out & back in & reinstalled spotify. why is the remove button not working?


10 Replies

Hi there @ancientalbino,


Thanks for the post.


Can you let us know if this started happening just recently for you? 


Does the song disappear from the list when you click the hide button or just nothing happens at all. It's best if you can include a short video recording, so we can see how things are looking on your end.



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thanks for the response alex. in answer to your questions;

i am a new member. this has been happening since i started listening.

the songs i want to delete/remove are not songs from my playlists/ stations but autoplay songs. i do want to hear autoplay songs, but some i really dont like & others i get sick of hearing. (spotify seems to have a VERY SMALL playlist  of autoplay songs for my playlists. it plays the same 40-50 songs  everytime im on spotify. ) i can totally remove an artist using my iphone. but cant remove individual songs

Hey @ancientalbino,


Thanks for getting back to us!


Let us explain a bit more about hiding songs. It's not possible to delete them, you can only hide them, so they cannot be played. If you'd like to hide a song from any of "Made for you" playlists you can do that my going to three dot menu on the song and click on "hide song". Keep in mind that "Hide this song " feature is not synced across devices. This means that you may see a song you've disliked on Mobile in a recommendation playlist on you computer or other device. You can add your +Vote to this idea if you'd like this feature to be synced across devices in the future. 

If you're using several different devices like Desktop, Web player, Smart speakers, Auto etc. this might explain why you're seeing songs previously disliked back in your auto generated playlists. As you've noticed a possible workaround for this is to block the certain Artist those songs are from. This way all content from this artist will be blocked on all devices.

In case you're not seeing the button at all or it's grayed out, please send us with a screenshot (or a short video) of what exactly you're seeing on your end and also share with us the exact Spotify version you're currently running, so we can take a closer look and advise you better.


We'll be on the lookout for your reply.

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perhaps there is some confusion over which songs i am trying to hide/ delete. i want to delete auto play, spotify chosen songs, that i either dont like or songs spotify keeps playing over & over again sometimes 2-3 times in a 2hr time span. i do want to continue hearing auto play songs in general  it is my primary reason for listening to spotify

i do see the dots next to the songs ive chosen to seed my stations with & next to the "recommended" songs. but there are no dots near the current song that is playing- which i may want to hide/ delete only the option to like or remove (-) but the remove button doesn't work. i hope this clarifies the issue.

i am on spotify version 1.2.0,1165gabf054ab & have already tried reinstalling the app.

thank you for your help

Hi there @ancientalbino,

Thanks for the reply.


The Hide song button (-), will hide and skip a song in your current listening session. The information that you don't like the song will be recorded by the Spotify algorithm, but it will take some time to stop getting that song in your Autoplay recommendations.


This is happening because you're a new listener. So, you get more generic recommendations, based on what other users listening to similar content tend to like.


What you can do is Like a few artists whose music you enjoy. It's a good idea to Like their songs or albums. This way you'll get more of those songs recommended in your Autoplay, rather than generic songs from that genre. 


As the algorithm learns more about your listening preferences, you'll start getting less songs you don't like. Depending on what music you're listening to this might take up to a few weeks.


Hope you find this info helpful.

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thanks again for your reply alex

 spotify doesnt  skip/hide  songs, during a listening session, after hitting the (-) remove button. it often plays those same songs 3 or 4 times during that same listening session- despite me continually hitting the remove button. and then the next day it's the same thing over again. and while i am a new member, it's been 2 months since ive joined.

why does spotify make it so difficult to remove an unwanted song? other music services ive used dont. inserting a dont play again button into the software seems a simple enough thing to do. and after 2 months why do i keep hearing the same 60 songs EVERYDAY.

my music needs may be different then what most of your members want to hear. i listen to hear new music, not my own songs. and because i like a specific song doesnt mean i like the artists whole catalog. i understand this makes it difficult for any algorithm but after 2 months i would hope the algorithm would be able to figure this out


Hey @ancientalbino,


Thanks for the additional clarification.


We've forwarded this info to the relevant team, however we can't confirm when it will be addressed. In the meantime, just keep saving or hiding songs and hopefully the algorithm will eventually adjust to your specific taste.


Let us know if there's anything else!

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this is getting very frustrating. no response from spotify engineers in over a week. the remove button still doesnt work & sometimes isnt there at all. and spotify keeps playing the same 40-50 autoplay songs over & over.

this problem should not take weeks to resolve. can i at least get an update?

forwarding the problem to spotify engineers is not a solution. it has now been almost 2 months & i have not heard from spotify on this problem. (my issue was posted on jan 10) the remove button does not appear on any of my devises. the only option i have is to skip- in which case spotify will still play that same song again & again or to eliminate all songs from that artist.

i really dont understand why it is so difficult to include a remove from playlist next to the like button.


Please bring back the "dislike" button to the desktop apps I am an active premium subscriber for many years but this neglected bug is driving me crazy. Some of the recent discover weekly recommendations are just completely not aligned with my music preferences and I am not able to "remove" them from my list and I cannot even highlight to the algorithms ( which are probably taking into consideration way more than this action ) what music I dislike. Moreover, when I even dislike the song on my mobile phone (where it works) it is greyed out on the list but it is still present on my windows or macos apps. Please fix it or just admit that it is an intentional UI / AI related change.

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