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Lyrics Section Says Song is "Instrumental"--But It's Not

Lyrics Section Says Song is "Instrumental"--But It's Not

I've recently discovered the "Lyrics" feature in Spotify, and I've been having a lot of fun with it. I've been adding and timing lyrics left and right. But one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands says it's instrumental... it even says such in the actual title of the song... and it's far from instrumental. There are several verses. 

I thought maybe I could add the lyrics, but it appears that it won't let me. I can't find any way to tell the app that this does does, in fact, have lyrics. Is this a bug? Why do users not have the option to add lyrics to a song that is deemed "instrumental"?

Song in question is "Atlas Air" by Massive Attack

Thanks!! 😎

3 Replies

The lyrics feature uses lyrics from Musixmatch. but it does appear that Musixmatch has lyrics for that song and does not have it flagged as instrumental:


However, on Spotify the name of the song is listed as "Atlas Air - Instrumental" (even though it is not an instrumental track). There is not a song by that name on Musixmatch, but it is possible that the "Instrumental" suffix is causing Musixmatch to become confused. In that case, there is not much you can do except report the incorrect song title to Spotify using the contact form: (you will need to select "Give Spotify feedback about something" from the frist dropdown and "Report inaccurate song information" from the second).


Thanks a bunch! I've contacted Spotify 🙂

I fixed this.

I found some songs with similar problems. It can for the moment not be fixed through the spotify client, seems it's a problem with musixmatch. Log in to and search for the lyrics you are looking for (if available). Copy the lyrics. Now, go through the specific artists profile. In this case you look for Atlas air (instrumental). Go to the lyrics section for the song and you can easily paste the lyrics you've copied. If you cannot find the lyrics for a song wrongly marked as "instrumental", just add them manually from musixmatchs' webpage. I took the liberty to also sync the lyrics for your song on spotify. Hope this information helped.

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