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Play from a playlist, the album art on the left still remains on the old track

Play from a playlist, the album art on the left still remains on the old track


Upon starting to play from a playlist, the album art on the left still remains on the old track, displaying also the incorrect title.


A more detailed description, using numbered steps

1.Search for a playlist

2. all playlists with my search query

3. select one

4. starts playing, correct song, but shows wrong info, from last song I was listening to

5. upon forwarding to next song correct info gets displayed

6. repeated this with another playlist, and the same problem occured  

What I expected to happen

Upon starting a new playlist I expected to see the correct info and album art on the left bottom side


What actually happened

wrong info from last song I listened to was shown, whilst playbck of the new song


My Operating System


OSX 10.10.3 (14D136)


My Spotify version


My internet provider and country

Germany, Telekom


My username



Do you have any screenshots you can attach to more clearly explain your issue?

Attached picture from 11.56, shows The Cure - Inbetween days, when actually what played was Rage against the Machine - People of the Sun.


Bildschirmfoto 2015-06-17 um 11.56.31.png
4 Replies

Hey @fluxtospace thanks so much for a great report on your issue. 


Are you still experiencing this issue? The first thing to try is definitely a clean reinstallation


If after that you're still experiencing it please let us know which playlist it's happening with.

Hey Meredith,


thanks for getting back to me so quickly and thanks for the free month.


I am experiencing this problem still and on multiple Macs (same OS version though), even after reinstall.


It happens when I start a playlist from "Browse" directly through the Play-Button on the picture of the playlist. The button stays on the Play symbol, before the error it would switch to a Pause Button once the playlist started to play.


If I click next to the Play Button for a playlist on "Browse" it takes me to the Playlist but (as shown in the attachment) shows the green Play Button, even though the playlist is already technically playing.


The "wrong" shown track on the left even stays clickable.


Let me know if there's additional info that you need 🙂



Bildschirmfoto 2015-06-25 um 11.14.00.png

Hey @fluxtospace I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce this. Are you on the 1.0.8 update already?

No, I'm not. Still on 1.0.7.

Maybe it's being taken care off with the next update 🙂

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