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Playing by Artist results in many duplicate songs and even some non-music tracks

Playing by Artist results in many duplicate songs and even some non-music tracks

We're having trouble with what seems like one of the most basic things you'd ever want to do with Spotify - just play an artist. Play Michael Jackson. Play Paul Simon. If we do that, two bad things happen.


First, within the first half hour of play we typically hear some of the artist's most popular songs more than once, maybe some of them being Live versions. Nobody wants this.


Second, it will happily start playing some sort of documentary track about the artist that isn't even music. And this isn't some fluke that happens once in a blue moon or just for obscure artists - this happened the last time we played Paul Simon and the last time we played Michael Jackson.


Consequently the only way I can use Spotify is to find a particular album and play that - playing by artist requires me to do way too much manual skipping. How is this not like the number one use case for the service? I'm surprised the experience isn't better. Any workarounds?

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