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Playlist different on computer and phone

Playlist different on computer and phone






iPhone 8 and Windows 

My Question or Issue

Hello! When I change my playlists in spotify on my computer, the changes dont occur on my phone - and opposite. SO, when i go to any of my playlists (or other persons playlists that I follow), it has a different number of songs on my phone and on my computer.. It is very annoying cause when i delete songs on my computer, they are still there when i lay my playlist on my phone. An also when I add songs, they are not there on the other device.. I have tried logging out and in, deleting the ap and everything, nothing helps.

13 Replies

Hi there!

I know it sounds simple, but it's often overlooked. Could you try restarting your device? Sorry if this may sound a bit repetitive but if that doesn't help, try a quick clean reinstall of the app following these steps.

I'd also recommend checking for any iOS updates if available or even for your Windows 10 machine. Does this happen if you try another network connection?

If you're still having trouble, could you let me know the exact version of Spotify and the exact version of the operating system you're running?

I'll see what I can suggest next!

I'm having a similar problem. The number of songs I have on a playlist is different on my computer and phone. Why is that and how do I fix it?

I have the same problem for quite a while. When I'm adding a song on a PC app it is not showing up on my phone (iOS) app. The same goes the other way around. Why the playlist aren't synchronizing instantaneously? Now I have 2 different playlist with the same name on 2 devices.

Hey folks,


Welcome to the Community and thank you for joining the conversation. Sorry for the late response as we just came across this thread.


@Emma-Grace, the behavior you're mentioning could be related to the settings of your mobile device. We'd recommend checking if you have the option "Show unplayable songs" toggled on. If so, we'd recommend turning it off and seeing if the number of songs changes.


As for @bromex3000, this behavior is commonly caused when you have 2 different accounts logged in on your devices by mistake. Since an account can be created with an email address, a Facebook profile, a Google/Apple account, or even a phone number; we'd recommend logging out from each of your devices and log back in using the same credentials on both.


If the issue persists, it would be great if you could record a short video where we can take a better look. You can attach it to your next response by using the Insert Video option in the post editor. You can also upload it to Google Drive and share the link with us (make sure the video has the permissions for anyone to see it).


We'll be on the lookout.

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im having the same issue i tested to make sure its the same account because when i change the profile on one it changes for the other vise versa with the name. i logged out and back in but the music i have for my liked list on my computer is 13 while my phone is almost 800. i dont use it on my computer alot but when i do i have to go back and look up songs that are on my phone.

Hi there @unpazzzo,


Thanks for the post.


Can you let us know if you Like a song on your PC, does it appear in the liked songs on your phone? And does playback sync between the devices. If you play a song on the PC do you see the timestamp moving on your phone?


Looking forward to your reply.

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i got the same Issue... Songs in my Favorites differ based on the device i use.

My Playlist shows the same amount of songs on the different devices but there alot of songs missing on PC.

The strangest thing is that i cant start the song from my phone when listing to music on my PC, i just recive a popup "Spotify cant play this song right now, unless you got the file on your system" (ruffly translated)... but when i start the song on my phone and change the output device from phone to pc, the song plays on my pc.

But it gets even stranger... i can find the song on my PC, play it and even add it to the favorites and start it from the without issues... but it gets even stranger... the List shows 1 song more on both devices after adding the song again... but the Song added on PC is not shown on my phones playlist... i tried it on the screenshot with the song "moshi moshi"


wth is going on?! 😄

I have same problem. Sporify on my TV is completely different compared to my Phone and Shield TV Pro, except account name. My TV list is old and the one to keep. Im now scared of logging out from TV and end up with the depletet content on my Phone and Shield. Those two are synced as expected.

Hi there folks,


Thanks for the replies. 


To have behaviour like this, it means there is some sort of desync between all the devices. To get to the bottom of things, we have to find the, for lack of a better term, "real" number of Liked Songs you have. To that end, check the web player and see what you see there. Since it doesn't require an install, that should have the most direct link to the servers. You can try clearing your browser cache before testing just in case. Check that and let us know how it deviates from what you see across the devices. 


After we've found that, you can compare both and note down any songs not properly synced. Afterwards, try reinstalling the app across all devices as previously explained in this thread. Consider even doing that twice in a row to make sure a sync is forced with the servers. This should give you a consistent number of Liked Songs everywhere and you can add any missing ones.


Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.

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I have already tried the web version with no luck. I dont believe this is a sync problem. It seems that there are 2 accounts with same name and inlogging. 


I'm trying to get the Spotify content on my TV synced to Sporify on Android, a phone and nVidia Shield Pro.

But on other devices, I cannot log into the account I have on my Samsung nu8000 because my login . When I log in on Android, the name is the same, but everything else is different, including playlist. I followed advice to open Spotify on my TV from a song on my Phone, and now I have 2 same names in the TV-app, but with the totally different content. Both have no thumbnail, so it is impossible to know which is which, in particular because the position of them changes when you choose the second one. In any case can I not get my TV version onto my Android devices. This is terrible since my main playlist is on the TV only, and I will also get a new TV at some point. 


Under no circumstances will I reinstall app on TV as the whole purpose is to save that version. I have already tried to reinstall on Android, while having the TV version running, but no luck.

I should add that if I go to the page where I  can change password, the username is just a long code, and not my username or email.

This is how it looks on the TV. TWO accounts, seemingly identical, but not. On Android there is only one. I have deleted the wrong one from TV. This does not help with getting correct one on Android.


Thanks for the details and screenshot @IkanDoit.


If you're seeing a long "code" which consists of letters and numbers, this is the username of one of the accounts, but keep in mind that you can also set up a display name (it seems that you've already done this) which shows on your profile, app, and playlists. More info you can find in this article


According to the screenshot that you sent and if you can see the same name, but different content in the Library, it looks like you've got 2 accounts which is causing the confusion here. 


In this situation it'd be best to reach out to our folks from Customer Support that can take a look behind the scenes for you. You can contact them via one of the ways here.


Last but not least, as it's possible to register a Spotify account not only with an email address, I also recommend taking a look at this article which helps you find out if you have another Spotify account.


Keep us posted and we're here if you need assistance with anything else in the meantime. 

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