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Get us out of algorithm jail! How about a “Songs you may like” curated playlist by Spotify

I am stuck in Spotify algorithm jail. And based off the other posts in this community it seems this is a common complaint. 

All playlists and song radio stations recommend the same songs over and over again. I don’t care that you know what I like, Spotify. Everyone on this platform can take 15 mins and make the same playlist you’re algorithm is now making. 

Let’s go back to way it was. Give me artists/songs/genres suggestions you think I may like. Broaden my musical horizons. Let me enjoy this app again. Cause right now we are all paying for a service that is being “safe” and lazy. 

I will end on an example, just in case my issue is not clear. I’ve listened to misery business by paramore about 1 year ago. Spotify now thinks this is my most favourite song of all time. Now I can’t escape it. It’s in all of my daily playlist. And is added to song radio stations. Sometimes even when I choose a rap song. Give me something new. Stop being safe. Let me explore.

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-11-02

Hello @Zhynes and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!

We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.

More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.



Not being able to block artists and songs, whole podcast sections, etc. Combined with this is the reason I can never really use their playlists functions. So I'll upvote you, cause I hope they do some big changes involving this. 


Please save us from this nightmare! I've always been a huge fan of Spotify, I'm paying a subscription since forever and helping in the beta program because I really love your product, development team and philosophy, but the experience quality it's becoming really crappy and making me question if is still worth using it. It makes no sense, either I choose a playlist (they are all made for me for some reason now) or radio it's always the same songs, even if the name of the playlist or original track radio have nothing to do with one another. Maybe it's some beta version that I got that is specially annoying but I find myself going to YouTube for fresh songs, other than the 30 tracks that are always showing up on Spotify, which is stupid since I'm paying a subscription for a service and I'm ending up listening to ads on other platform because of this. 


When people actively avoid using your services that they paid for, you know something is wrong. Unless that's the goal. Hoping people get annoyed and stop using the service but forget to stop payments?


This! And also stop pushing rap and pop on everybody. My suggestions are either things I already like or those that have 0 in common with my taste like new releases of some american pop and rap stars 😞

Status changed to: Live Idea

Came here to bring this idea. It's been BRUTAL the past few years and seems to be getting worse... when I like choose a radio for a song, I want to hear other songs like that song.. not a bunch of random songs that I like that have nothing to do with that genre.. Making spotify almost unusable. 


Been a Spotify user for 12 years or something, but this particular issue is finally making me wonder if I should explore other services. I shouldn't play Macklemore Radio and get multiple Coldplay songs. Coldplay is frequently listened to in my house, I get it, but if I choose Macklemore Radio I want similar songs. This algorithm is SO heavily based on my other listening habits it makes the radio feature unusable.



I’ve been using APPLE MUSIC (along with my Spotify) for a month now for their “radio” and found TONS of songs! Why can’t Spotify figure out  how to suggest new songs without playing what I already liked?!