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[Mobile] Create & manage Playlist Folders

It would be nice to be able to better organize playlists in folders on the mobile apps.  Or at the very least, specify which folder a playlist should go in when it is first created.  Right now, in iOS, any playlists that I create are just added to the main list, without giving the option to put them in a folder, and it is not possible to move playlists to/from folders.  I'm assuming this will be the same on Android when it is implemented.

Updated on 2019-10-29

Hey folks,
We really appreciate so many of you coming to the Community, adding your votes and comments to this idea!
For now we'll be keeping this idea at 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement.
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.
Thanks .

Status changed to: Not Right Now

Updated on 2019-10-29

Hey folks,
We really appreciate so many of you coming to the Community, adding your votes and comments to this idea!
For now we'll be keeping this idea at 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement.
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.
Thanks .


Pleeease, I have over 70 Playlists right now. things like adding a song to a playlist quick and handling, looking through my playlists is really unhandy.


I love the Playlist feature and I use it for very different purposes, like add playlists from others to discover new Music, make shared playlist to make suggestions to friends, group music from a genre that i really like, make just random silly playlists that are fun (like all songs in 3/4 Time), compilations, ... . The list goes on. I would love this Feature because I right now I dont persecute all my playlist ideas and i don't add every playlist that i like, simply because this unordered list gets really messy and way too long.


Desperately hoping this is integrated. It is absolutely insane to me that Spotify does not allow manual reorganizing of playlists on mobile app. How hard could it possibly be to drag and drop a playlist into another folder? Or change the folder in which a playlist resides? This is possible in many apps more basic than Spotify. I have dozens upon dozens of playlists, and I only use iOS devices (no desktop), so having (lack of) control over my playlist organization is a nightmare. Shocking for an otherwise robust and user friendly app. 


Just amazing that after 7 years this ain't implemented yet.  Enjoy the boat parties on us Daniel but please get back to work


I joined this forum just to pitch in on this. This issue is by far my biggest frustration with Spotify. I have over a hundred playlists that I'm always jumping between, and I've spent hours trying to figure out how to organize them. I had a half broken laptop with Windows 7 (which was coincidentally stolen about a week ago) that could not seem to figure out how to get the desktop app to do anything but make my screen black, and right now I also have a Chromebook and an Android phone. Fewer and fewer people have actual "personal computers" these days as they are increasingly irrelevant, so making this one essential feature so frustratingly inaccessible is... frustrating. 


This would be helpful for people who use Spotify for work (yoga, cycling instructor) and need to separate personal and work playlists. 


After 8 years all we get is a "not right now"... I love it when the customers wishes, that pay to use it for their purpose don't get what they want. This is unfortunately very disappointing. 

I registered today after several years of using Spotify because they were bugging me so much ... 


I've been pining for a folders system for ages. 've been an avid Premium user for years, and making playlists honestly borders on a hobby for me at this point. It's a nice way to process and relax for me. But holy cow does it get cluttered! It's really difficult to find specific things, especially when I'm looking through all my playlists and the ones I follow.  Sometimes I skip looking for music altogether if I'm in a rush. The app would be much more easily accessible and smoother to use if I could organize them into folders. I really hope they'll consider adding it soon!


This has to happen! Spotify is so   unnecessarily tough to navigate in because of this. I can not belive they have not done anything about this in almost a decade...