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Search an artists full song repertoire/back catalogue within an artists page (desktop & app)

Hi, it'd be great if we were able to search an artists full song back catalogue within the artists page (on desktop and app). This would be particularly useful for those artists with a huge repertoire of material, ie: Lata Mangeshkar 50,000+, Rolling Stones 500+ etc. to make it easier with the basic top level functionality to find tracks quicker. I can see we are able to do so within playlists but not within an artists main page or even an artists full discography. I have uploaded a couple of examples to help visualise and explain what I mean. Thanks, Jim.

artist name : discography : show entire catalogue suggestion.png
existing playlist search funtionality. png.png
artist page. search entire catalogue suggestion.png

Updated on 2023-07-03

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


Just allow users to click on a user through the interface and have a search bar that exclusively searches for music in the artists songs/features.

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-06-12

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!

We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.

More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.



I completely support this idea, I feel like the artist page is getting better and better but this option to search inside the artist page would be a huge plus.

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-06-25

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!

We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.

More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2023-07-03

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


How is this not a thing already? I could've sworn it was...


So I noticed that artist pages have no option to search for specific songs by the artist. Playlists have a search bar if you scroll up.... If this was on artist pages it would make it wayyy easier to find lesser known songs or songs that aren't in the top five for that artist. 


The search should be more in-depth than just titles, as podcasts have a substantial portion of information in the description. Hope to see the search soon!