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Am I the only person who finds the remastered version of songs that I know well an irritation to the point where they are just not worth listening to?


Who decides that the original version needs improvement - is it the record company or who? If its and additional version that the record company puts out why does Spotify seemingly always choose the remastered version over the well-known original. With George Martin just dying  I decided to listen to some old Beatles tracks only to find that they were all remastered to the point where they sounded like a tribute band. Some of the tracks were actually flat. 


The whole point of putting something like Sgt Peppers on Spotify is that people want to be reminded of what it sounded like at the time. Does the remasterer think they can do a better job than Geo Martin?

55 Replies

As a new Spotify listener the "remaster" tag has piqued my interest.  I am all for offering official remasters; that is, albums that have been released formally by the artist, record company or others (MFSL, etc.).  These are great to listen to on analog equipment.  I am curious; however, how a Dramarama release (VINYL) could have a "remastered LP version" tag when it was never released as an LP, and has not had a remaster release on any format.  Who did the remastering?  Original analog tape, digital file, what?  Not sure what Spotify is implying here.



I hate the remasters of Spotify. They are made in automatic processes and does not keep the dynamics of the original disks. Listen pink floyd on Spotify is horrible.
Why everything has to have more volume ??


I can't stand remasters and it seems every single rock classic on spotify is a remasterd version and they are HORRIBLE. There must be some legal reason they do this and not offer the original versions. It's so bad I am considering canceling my subscription.


Hey, I'm basically on your side, not a huge fan of remastered versions myself.
The thing is: Music industry is getting to the direction "the louder, the better" (since a few decades now).
If you listen to a song and then you switch to a song a bit higher in volume, your ear is more stimulated and the background impression is that the tune sounds better.
In music industry that started what is called "Loudness War", which brought to the infamous case of Death Magnetic by Metallica. That's why many albums from the past had a remastered version, to have a louder sound and don't be left behind by an audience used to high volumes.
it's a sad world if you think about music production nowadays - to stand out of the crowd you need to scream 😞
Besides, to achieve this louder sound you need to compress and boost an audio file (sometimes even several times). This eventually lower the quality of the audio you're listening to.
It's not a choice of somebody in particular, it's a combination of Marketing and general taste.

I totally agree that the "Remastering" is out of hand. It has ruined my excitement of finding favorite songs. Not ready to leave Spotify over it but what a bummer!

I do not listen to remastered normally, it is hardly the same songs, and I am actually considering leaving spotify because of this. Is there something you can do

I also deeply heat this remastered. Especially with artist that have died. They turn over in there grave when there numbers are raped. Respect-less

NO! You're not the only one!  I hate, detest, and loathe the versions of Billy Preston's "Outta Space" that Spotify has. They don't even have the original! 




I ahve songs in playlists, and everyday a new version replaces the old ones and they are terrible... I am so tired of it, that I consider get rid of Spotify and try something else.


The original songs are much much better, and in any case, I should be able to decide which one I want to keep.


I am almost fed up with this "dictatorship"

It's up to the artists, labels and content owners on what they make available on Spotify.


Unfortunately loudness war is a thing, yes. I don't like it either and have pulled off the mainstream pop and dance music just because ears can't handle this kind of quality. It's fatiguing.


I can't really understand why they upload such remastered stuff when Spotify has volume normalization for those that want constant volume levels. With the new update on desktop users even get to choose the environment (loud, medium or quiet). I'm pretty sure loud will be as loud as it needs to be. 🙂


There is hope that this loudness war is soon to end. You can't become a lot louder than this anymore, and there is a considerably large group of users that know what they are hearing and want good quality.


There is one upside right now. Ripped files off purchased CD's will yield some eargasms!

I absolutely agree with you 110%.  There are many songs being so called remastered they're taking out words Changing Phrases to make the more radio friendly and to me it changes the entire meaning of the song it ruins it for me why can't they just leave them alone? They are ruining a lot of classes for me that I just can't listen to it unless it's the original version.

A good article educating us about remastering:


Remastering seldom sonically improves an album and is often merely an attempt by record/production companies to rally sales and re-kindle interest in an older album.  While campaigns to bolster music sales are to be expected, remastering often tragically results in irreversable damage to a historic album.  Uneducated music currators (Spotify in this case) often replace an original album preferring the remastered version; the original album (sometimes even the album art) are lost.  Spotify has a reponsibility (acceped or not) to preserve and protect original versions of music much like a museum has an obligation to preserve protect original paintings. 


Remastered albums have a place on spotify, but only if the original is also retained. 

Good comment and interesting link ..... if only Spotify would take notice!

Taking the originality out of art.

Music is the art with the biggest memory trigger of all arts. Good and bad.

To remaster classical masterpieces is to try to reconfigure the brain.

It's like repainting Mona Lisa with a Iphone obscuring her smile. Some people will discover Leonardo Da Vinci for the first time because of the Iphone art, and love it.

For me her smile reminds me of my first love, and I don't like it when someone tries to fu..k with my memories to make a quick buck.

Just because a old song sounds out of date it doesn't loose it's place among someone's all time favorites.

Music is the feelgood it brings you, not a flawless science project.




Could not agree more and very well put.

Spotify - are you listening?

It is terrible. I am listening to the first Roxy Music album. I hardly recognize the songs. I am sure Bryan Ferry, Brian Eno & co had nothing to do with this version. It’s like Rembrandt’s ‘The Nightwatch’ being “overdone”: Huh what’s that? That’s the Nightwatch, remastered. It’s silkscreen now.


Please, Spotify. Stop**bleep** and give us the real music.


To be honest, I think of quiting. And look for my cd’s again. What i am hearing now is ridiculous.

You know, as you've seen in my replies, I've often shared songs by Jethro Tull, that's because they are my second favourite band (my first favourite band is Queen). I own their whole discography, except for 'The Jethro Tull Xmas Album'; I also own quite a lot of their deluxe repackages (my absolute favourite one, so far, is 'Benefit - A Collector's Edition'). In my playlists, there are some cases in which I keep the standard audio remixes and some others in which I love tha audio improved one; I feel absolutely free to take this choice, because while listening to two Tull albums I can hear a difference with their deluxe repackages. And it's great for me because I can choose the best audio experience for me.

Simple they are changing the lyrics to make them more politically correct.  None of these bands have any **bleep** anymore to say this is rock this is who we are.  If you dont like it simply Don't listen to it how hard is it to understand?  All these record producers see dollar signs thats all that mayters to them!  I do not now or in the future want to listen to this remastered **bleep**!  Just give me the original.  They edit a song or lyric they change the whole song!  Come on music makers! 

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