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Problems with the shuffle function

Problems with the shuffle function







Galaxy S9 with remote playback on Chromecast Audio

Operating System

Android 8


My Question or Issue

 When listening on a album in Spotify with remote playback on Chromecast, the shuffle function stops working.  It works fine as long as I not close the Spotify app on the phone.


How to reproduce the issue:

1. Open Spotify on the mobile device

2. Select a album and start play the sing

3. Enable Chromecast playback

4. Enable shuffle ( and confirm that the indicator stays enabled)

6. Close the Spotify app on the mobile device

7. Let the song play till it changes to the next track


What I expected should happen?

Play the tracks in a shuffled order


What did haplen?

It plays the tracks in normal order


Shuffle works as it should when I play the songs with local playback.


Chromecast audio firmware :1.36.141215

Chromecast country: NO

Spotify version:

Android version: 8.0.0

Samsung SM-G965F (Galaxy S9+)


Kind regards, 

Nils Haugen


1 Reply

Hey @nilsjha, help's here. 


We can see that there's a newer Spotify version out. Can you make sure that your app is up-to-date? Your Spotify app is up-to-date? Just to be sure, it's better to reinstall the app for a fresh start. Just check out these steps here.

Further, make sure that all devices’ software is up-to-date. If you don't know, check with your devices' manufacturers for how to update the version software.


Lastly, try switching between different networks and see if that helps.


Let us know how it goes 🙂

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