Hi Spotify,
Your developers are UNBELIEVABLY careless about last.fm scrobbles!
I just discovered that the recent update to Spotify disabled my scrobbles to last.fm. My app has not been logging music to last.fm through Spotify for MONTHS!
Thanks to your CONSISTENT disregard for your last.fm settings in your app, I've missed out on TWO MONTHS of logging music.
Based on my last.fm stats from previous months, that's over 48 hours of music listening that I can't interact with now! LOST FOREVER! Thanks a lot, jerks!
I know you're not going to doing anything about this because your customer service team is vastly unimpressive and likely get paid to do nothing, but I'll vent anyways because...WHY THE **bleep** NOT?!
If anyone outside of your infrastucture team knew how to do their jobs, they would look at my post history, see how many times me and other Spotify users have brought last.fm scrobbling problems to Spotify's attention, and they would DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
If there were any other company that could match your services, I'd switch to them IMMEDIATELY, because you guys are really terrible at doing really, really simple things.
Persistent user settings within a mobile app is "developer 101" difficulty! NOT HARD. Every other company can do this without problems, I don't know why you stuggle with this. When my app undergoes a change, my settings should STAY PUT!
I don't understand why you guys are so awful at dealing with scrobbles. It's super, super basic metadata that shouldn't throw a company as big as Spotify for a loop.
PLEASE! For the love of music! Fix this teeny, tiny problem and allow your own NATIVE FUNCTIONS to work!
Last.fm scrobbles are a native function in your own app. This isn't some 3rd party plugin! last.fm scrobbles are natively offered in your own UI! Why doesn't it stay enabled?!
If you can't deliver true last.fm compatibility, then stop advertising the functionality in your settings.
If you can't tell, it's EXTREMELY upsetting to find out that the music I listen to is not being logged, because I can't easily replay days worth of music. You guys have **bleep** me out of many, many hours of my life and it makes me feel very, very cheated.
I couldn't hate you more than I do now. Over 48 hours of music. GONE!
I don't use your app because I want something to do...I use your app because I love music. It's a really big passion of mine.
You've robbed me of something that I really care about.
Thanks for runing my day. Glad I pay you guys for this.