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Spotify web using old style suddenly?

Spotify web using old style suddenly?

This ugly ass sidebar and the rest that comes with the old style suddenly is back. Why? Ever since Spotify switched to new sleek style I was so happy, but why did this one suddenly return? I don't want it.



6 Replies

Hmm, I've only ever had that design on the web player and not the "sleek style" you speak of actually. Tho I don't use it regualrly ...


Maybe this is another one of them tests Spotify does to make everything better for everyone by ruining stuff for no reason for a few select users. However that works. >_<

FWIW, there was another thread about this exact issue a few days ago so you're not alone.

The old UI is not only bad on the eye and UX, it also doesn't work well. All my playlists are one long list, no folders. And songs won't click when doubleclicked, requiring a page refresh. I want the new UI back 😞





Spotify is testing new features and things out all the time, it is possible you have just been reverted back to the standard webplayer design that has been there for a while now. Any questions you have you can ask in this thread, and any Rock Star on the community should be able to get an answer for you, or at the very least they can escalate a post for any further clarification needed.

Spotify doesn't care about user feedback. This WAS an A/B test and they decided on the old interface apparently. They use unpaid shills to copy and paste platitudes to the masses. If I see "Spotify is constantly testing new..." one more time, I may cancel my subscription. My disappointment grows by the day.

 The old style is most certainly not a new thing and has nothing new to it.  The new style is/was superior in every way, there's no sane reason they'd pick the old one over the new one.

 This is pure nonsense and reverting has made my Spotify experience so much worse I now use youtube more and more which is low by itself but this is just wrong.

I want this back


Nice and sleek, not the old all over the place thing that has never heard of UX before.


Very disappointing. I was happy when new UI went live for me as it geniuely improved the experience, but now...

Help! It's only getting worse. Not only is it ugly, it now constantly disconnects (requires refreshing page) and I have to click multiple times before a song switches or starts playing. Sometimes pressing skip in radio does nothing at all or skips so hard it enters a different playlist. Oh god what have I done to deserve this?

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