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Wrong Song?

Wrong Song?







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So I was listening to my playlist and a song came up that i didnt recognize and i checked to see what it was and it said it was "Very Very Very" by I.O.I but, the actual music that comes out isnt that song. I shazamed the song to see what song it was and it also said it was "Very Very Very" by I.O.I, i feel like im going crazy. i went to Youtube to see if that was what it sounded like and no its the song i originally added to my playlist. 

I miss my song. Help.


5 Replies

So I just tried it again on my phone and it is the right song so i am not going crazy. Something wrong with the PC app then

Hey @TeeKayDubs


That's pretty weird!


I suggest reinstalling Spotify on your desktop. It might be that something is a little off and reinstalling helps to clear such issues.


If that doesn't help, could you tell me:

1. the link to the song (right-click on song - Share - Spotify URI or song link)
2. the version of Spotify you're using (Menu dots - Help - About Spotify)


Let me know how it goes ๐Ÿ™‚

Very very very and M-maybes titles are switched for some reason. Ex very very very plays when you click on M-maybe and vice versa 

Tried reinstalling to no avail. My guess is its on Spotify to fix. Not sure what would cause this. 

- Original Song - I.O.I - "Very Very Very" - spotify:track:6VJhf9l4ALDquID0bN51QQ

- Switched Song - I.O.I - "M-Maybe" - spotify:track:0B2BOKkccKI66vgzTK9Zr9

Thanks to -2rh_tetn6vz6 for finding the other song.

Hey @TeeKayDubs and @-2rh_tetn6vz6


In this case I suggest checking out this article on what to do next. ๐Ÿ™‚


Have a lovely day!

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