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Hey folks!Ever experienced any issues with the ad being in the wrong
language, the ad volume and frequency or the content itself?We're
creating this thread in case you're in need of reporting any of those
Just let us know the following details and we...
I created a new playlist in our profile and when I search for it by the
exact title it doesn't show up. I also tried searching for it with the
first word only and it still does not come up. The playlist is called
HardDrive Underground under our profi...
Tenho uma Smart TV LG 55UJ7500 e o app do Spotify quando executa
musicas, fica travando a reprodução.A cada 10 segundos ela trava, parece
quando a internet está lenta, mas não é o caso pois a Netflix roda em
1080P tranquilamente, alguém pode me ajuda...
Tenho uma Smart TV LG 55UJ7500 e o app do Spotify quando executa musicas, fica travando a reprodução. A cada 10 segundos ela trava, parece quando a internet está lenta, mas não é o caso pois a Netfl...
Whoever thought it would be a good idea to put Drake in EVERY SINGLE
section of the Spotify app needs to be fired. I will definitely not be
continuing my premium subscription if this keeps up. I enjoy the browse
section for discovering new music, not...
Whoever thought it would be a good idea to put Drake in EVERY SINGLE section of the Spotify app needs to be fired. I will definitely not be continuing my premium subscription if this kee...
PlanFamily PremiumCountry ArgentinaDeviceMicrosoft Lumia 640
LTEOperating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question
or Issue How do i check if my favorite downloaded playlist IS
downloaded? I checked it very well, and i had the green ...
Plan Family Premium Country Argentina Device Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue How do i...
PlanFree accountCountryGermanyDeviceAmazon FireTV StickOperating
SystemFire OS (606753920) My Question or IssueI have a free
account, like I said earlier.So I follow some playlists I like and now I
have a serious question.With some playlists,...
Plan Free account Country Germany Device Amazon FireTV Stick Operating System Fire OS (606753920) My Question or Issue I have a free account, like I said earlier. So I follo...
PlanPremiumCountrygermanyDevicePC, Huawei, nexus 7Operating
Systemwindows, android My Question or Issuei can't play songs from john
sinclair on all my devices including webplayer.i have tried:
reinstalling, loggig out and in again.however i can downl...
Plan Premium Country germany Device PC, Huawei, nexus 7 Operating System windows, android My Question or Issue i can't play songs from john sinclair on all my devices including webpl...
Zte Axon 7 Android 7.1.1 Spotify Premium version
armV7Desktop, Microsoft Store version When I hide
my playlist on PC then it shows as published on my phone. Then after
hiding it again on Android it shows as published o...
Zte Axon 7 Android 7.1.1 Spotify Premium version armV7 Desktop, Microsoft Store version When I hide my playlist on PC then it shows as publis...
PlanPremiumCountry Costa RicaDeviceHuawei y5 2017Operating SystemAndroid
6 My Question or IssueSin importar a cuántas nuevas canciones agregue a
mis favoritas o a cuántos nuevos artistas siga, los "daily mixes"
continúan iguales a cuando instalé la a...
Plan Premium Country Costa Rica Device Huawei y5 2017 Operating System Android 6 My Question or Issue Sin importar a cuántas nuevas canciones agregue a mis favoritas o a cuánto...
PlanPremiumCountry DeviceGalaxy S7Operating System Android Oreo My
Question or Issue I have Spotify premium and, over the last few days I
have had problems with the songs skipping randomly in the middle or
moving on to the next track halfway through ...
Plan Premium Country Device Galaxy S7 Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue I have Spotify premium and, over the last few days I have had proble...
PlanPremiumCountryUSA DeviceIphone 7+, DesktopOperating SystemWindows 10
My Question or Issue I'm trying to connect my account to facebook,
however the link from the desktop player to "Find Friends" and connec to
facebook isn't working. I've tried to...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Iphone 7+, Desktop Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue I'm trying to connect my account to facebook, however the link from ...
None of the below information is required. However, the more u provide
the easier it will be for us to try and help.PlanFree/PremiumCountry
Device(Z Moto play)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows
10,etc.) My Question or Issue Who is the gal...
None of the below information is required. However, the more u provide the easier it will be for us to try and help. Plan Free/Premium Country Device (Z Moto play) Operating System (iO...
I began with 1 Denon HEOS speaker - and everthing worked fine...I was
always able to connect from Spotify on computer,android and iphone. I
have slowly got more and more HEOS speakers (think I have 10 now) and
now it works teriberly. Right now I am o...
I began with 1 Denon HEOS speaker - and everthing worked fine...I was always able to connect from Spotify on computer,android and iphone. I have slowly got more and more HEOS speakers (think...
Bonjour à la communauté, Je rencontre un soucis, J'ai un serveur NAS qui
contient de la musique. Spotify détecte bien les musiques, mais ne veut
pas les lires. Savez vous pourquoi ? Merci de votre aide ! Steeve
Bonjour à la communauté, Je rencontre un soucis, J'ai un serveur NAS qui contient de la musique. Spotify détecte bien les musiques, mais ne veut pas les lires. Savez vous pourquoi ? Merci de votre ai...
Hi all, Running the latest version on spotify that still works with ford
sync in my fiesta mk7. But I reset everything, it works fine briefly
then all it will say is Spotify not authorized. I can't get it to work
except on Bluetooth audio only.
Hi all, Running the latest version on spotify that still works with ford sync in my fiesta mk7. But I reset everything, it works fine briefly then all it will say is Spotify not autho...
PlanPremiumCountryPoland DeviceLG smart TVOperating Systemalso on
Windows 10 My Question or Issue Ma daily mixes are available only on my
iPhone, how can I find them on my TV and also on my web player? It shows
on the player only sometimes.
Plan Premium Country Poland Device LG smart TV Operating System also on Windows 10 My Question or Issue Ma daily mixes are available only on my iPhone, how can ...
PlanFreeCountry EnglandDevice(Chromebook ASUS C301) My Question or
IssueAs I start typing to search for anything on your app, the screen
just goes completely black and it crashes. This happens both on the app
and on webplayer. If I don't type anythin...
Plan Free Country England Device (Chromebook ASUS C301) My Question or Issue As I start typing to search for anything on your app, the screen just goes completely black a...
PlanPremiumCountry Iphone 10 (x)Microsoft Surface ProOperating SystemIOS
11Windows 10 My Question or Issue I am in remote Australia with limited
wifi (very expensive via satellite) and no phone coverage. I have
downloaded playlists onto my phone - wh...
Plan Premium Country Iphone 10 (x) Microsoft Surface Pro Operating System IOS 11 Windows 10 My Question or Issue I am in remote Australia with limited wifi (very expens...
PlanPremiumCountry USDeviceMacbook Pro / iPhone 5SEOperating SystemiOS
10 I don’t get Daily Mixes daily, I get them every few weeks-months. I
thought this was normal until my friends told me they get a new one
every day.
Plan Premium Country US Device Macbook Pro / iPhone 5SE Operating System iOS 10 I don’t get Daily Mixes daily, I get them every few weeks-months. I thought this was normal...
Whenever I search for a song, it only searches for those in my local
files, not on Spotify. It has just occurred today and I have no idea how
to fix it.I do not have a Local File Song started or with 0, so it
results in this.However, If I put a song ...
Whenever I search for a song, it only searches for those in my local files, not on Spotify. It has just occurred today and I have no idea how to fix it. I do not have a Local File Song started or wi...
PlanPremiumCountry GermanyDevicePC/Samsung Galaxy j5Operating
SystemWindowsMy Question or IssueHi, Guys, I need help with an old
Playlist by Spotify Is there any way to get to old Spotify Playlist made
BY Spotify?A year ago there was a great Spotify ...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device PC/Samsung Galaxy j5 Operating System Windows My Question or Issue Hi, Guys, I need help with an old Playlist by Spotify Is there any way to ...