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Why can't my family members join my plan?


Why can't my family members join my plan?

I've had a family account for 5+ years. My family members all received emails saying they needed to confirm their address.
They all tried but, although they were entering the same address as shown in my family admin page, their pages all errored saying the addresses didn't match.
Today they were all kicked off the family account.
If I sent them the link to rejoin, they get an error saying "You can't join this plan" "We couldn't confirm you live with the plan manager ... you can join someone else's plan in 12 months"


It's Spotify who have broken this not us, if they can't rejoin then I might as well cancel my subscription.

Anyone know what is going on here.

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Contact support by DM-ing SpotifyCares | Facebook 

They seem to be able to reset the accounts in the background. After that we managed to reconnect all our family accounts.

Seems like some sort of FU at Spotify and it probably should never have happened, but to be fair the support team were really good at sorting it out.

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18 Replies

all three of my family members that are on my premium family plan did not verify their email within seven days due to the fact that the email went to spam. Now it says they cannot join my plan for 12 months. Has anyone experienced this? is there any way around it or do I just need to cancel my account?

I had the same thing and cannot find any information on how to get this back working I'm tempted to cancel Spotify and move to Google music.

Hi there @minnsey 


Thanks for reaching out. This error usually appears after switiching between two different Family/Duo plans, as this can be done only once per year. However, it's possible also that because you weren't able to answer the reverification on time, the system removed all members automatically. For anyone that still can't join, they can reach out to our support team so that they can check for any blocks on the account causing the issue.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for responding.

In one sense it was because my family members didn't respond in time. But
that was because the re-register screen didn't accept the google prompted
version of the address as the same as mine, even though it looked exactly
the same.

Eventually after support did some resetting of my family members accounts
it worked, but only if they explicitly typed the full address in manually.

So support was definitely needed and did help, but the process seems a bit

Also, in the past, you used to be able to invite people directly to the
family from your account, now you have to share a link and ask them to
register, this seems to be a retrograde step.

Al the members are delete one by one, for address check, when the app had the correct address, now they can't continue with my account.

My daughter was dropped off my family plan and I sent her an invitation link and it won't let her join

My wife is the Spotify manager of our family of 6 plan. I didn't realize my Spotify email was outdated and haven't received the Member Verification email about verifying my address. I just corrected my spotify email. My son had the same problem and just got kicked off. Any way to resolve both of these issues?

Supression d'un profil de mon compte premium family alors qu'il n'a pas reçu le mail pour confirmer l'adresse, comment faire pour ne pas tout perdre !

saco a 3 de mis familiares del plan y ahora ya no puedo agregarlos y les prohibio por 1 año aregarse, solucion o cancelo el plan:[

Same thing happened with me and my family.  Following!



Premium (Family)




Account issue. Not device related.


My Question or Issue

Recently Spotify sent out e-mail to all my family members to confirm the address of our home. She forgot to make the confirmation and now, she was kicked out of our Premium Family plan. I tried sending her the invitation again but Spotify raised some flag stating that she can only join a new Family plan in 12 months from now. That is a year from now. Which is wrong as SHE IS MY WIFE. We are MARIED. I'm the owner of the account and MY WIFE can't use premium anymore because she missed an e-mail. IF the address was different, but SHE LIVES WITH ME and OUR SON. 
Can someone assist me with this? It's ridiculous! If I only had shared my account with someone outside my house, fine... but SHE IS MY WIFE.... for crying out loud.

Fui entrar na minha conta e diz que não pertenço mais ao premium mesmo morando no mesmo endereço

Não estou conseguindo acessar a conta família, pelo link, diz que não faço parte da família
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Contact support by DM-ing SpotifyCares | Facebook 

They seem to be able to reset the accounts in the background. After that we managed to reconnect all our family accounts.

Seems like some sort of FU at Spotify and it probably should never have happened, but to be fair the support team were really good at sorting it out.

Reset account

is this on a premium account?

Ma soeur n'est plus en mesure de se connecter sur mon plan familiale. Pourquoi soudainement? Comment peut-elle le rejoindre à nouveau?

  • Plan





(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)

Operating System

(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)


My Question or Issue

I cant login into family abonnement from my husband. I online get message that is wrong and try later


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