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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
I am in a Premium Family plan with my now ex-partner. I want to leave it
and get a Premium Plan for myself, but I want to keep my user and my
playlists intact. Is there a way for me to do that?She's the
administrator of the plan.ps: I'm in Brazil. At...
I am in a Premium Family plan with my now ex-partner. I want to leave it and get a Premium Plan for myself, but I want to keep my user and my playlists intact. Is there a way for me to do that? S...
PlanFamilyCountryBrazilDeviceIphones xs and upOperating SystemMost
recent IOS My Question or IssueI originally had an old spotify account
(account A). There was an issue with my credit card. When corrected the
payment issue, i noticed i was on my spo...
Plan Family Country Brazil Device Iphones xs and up Operating System Most recent IOS My Question or Issue I originally had an old spotify account (account A). There was an issue w...
Hi everyone, I have a question, when I use my debit card to create a
spotify family plan, I have a lot of trouble because after that I write
the number of the card, the expiry date and the number of 3 figures, it
says that this type of payment isn't...
Hi everyone, I have a question, when I use my debit card to create a spotify family plan, I have a lot of trouble because after that I write the number of the card, the expiry date and the n...
I have the same issue with the poster. The chronology are below:Before I
changed into premium duo plan, I used individual premium plan. My wife
was a member of family account.I upgraded my plan to premium duo, and
already paid it. I input the address...
I have the same issue with the poster. The chronology are below: Before I changed into premium duo plan, I used individual premium plan. My wife was a member of family account. I upgraded my p...
I tried to sign up for Spotify Premium Family account and saw that it
offered one month free, but after I logged in, the promo became
unavailable. I was a longtime Spotify Premium Individual user, but tried
Apple Music for six free months, since it w...
I tried to sign up for Spotify Premium Family account and saw that it offered one month free, but after I logged in, the promo became unavailable. I was a longtime Spotify Premium Individual user, b...
Premium/Premium family Country Canada DeviceNote Ultra 20 Plus, IPhone
11, Windows 10 My Question or IssueHi, I was asked to update my credit
card information on the Android app after my son told me his account is
no longer working. We were on a Spot...
Premium/Premium family Country Canada Device Note Ultra 20 Plus, IPhone 11, Windows 10 My Question or Issue Hi, I was asked to update my credit card i...
Plan Family Country Ireland Device Pixel 3a Operating System Android 11
My Question or Issue Trying to share Playlists with a kids account.
Following all steps as outlined, log in, chose Adult account on Who's
Listening screen, enter PIN, select kids...
PlanPremiumCountryIndiaDeviceMacbook, Android My Question or Issue I
switched from a standard Premium subscription to Duo recently. (Since I
wasn't able to switch easily, I had to cancel my premium subscription
first and then join the Duo six-month p...
Plan Premium Country India Device Macbook, Android My Question or Issue I switched from a standard Premium subscription to Duo recently. (Since I wasn't able to switch easily, ...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
Plan - PremiumCountry - AustraliaDevice - Android In the last two days I
have been getting ads while listening to JRE. There are threads full of
irate people dating back to early 2020, with moderators responding with
deliberately vague answers and fi...
Plan - Premium Country - Australia Device - Android In the last two days I have been getting ads while listening to JRE. There are threads full of irate people dating back to early 2020, wit...
Dear Spotify Team, my credit card valid ended and i did not updated the
informations. So, spotify give me this information in the app, i updated
the credit card informations but i have just spotify premium, not
anymore family. I tried to subscribe th...
...ust spotify premium, not anymore family. I tried to subscribe the family option, but i got the error "you are not entitled. So, whats the workaround for this? I wanne keep the family together and r...
I have premium family. My kid can’t find the songs she likes on kid
Spotify. How can I change her to regular Spotify? I’m in the USA. I have
an iPhone 11 Pro PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy
9, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating S...
I have premium family. My kid can’t find the songs she likes on kid Spotify. How can I change her to regular Spotify? I’m in the USA. I have an iPhone 11 Pro Plan Free/Premium Country &n...
PlanPremiumCountry UKDeviceIPhone/WindowsOperating SystemiOS My Question
or Issue I had a family member who lives with me on my family premium
and I accidently deleted them off, we have tried to re-add them back
through sending an invite through to t...
Plan Premium Country UK Device IPhone/Windows Operating System iOS My Question or Issue I had a family member who lives with me on my family premium and I accidently d...
I want to sign up for the family plan but I have a child (still a
dependent) away at college. Can I include her on the family plan since
she resides with me for part of the year when she is not at college?
I want to sign up for the family plan but I have a child (still a dependent) away at college. Can I include her on the family plan since she resides with me for part of the year when she is not at c...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited StatesDevice(iPhone XR, PC)Operating
System(iOS, Windows 10) My Question or IssueMy premium family randomly
stopped working for me, but not for the owner of the plan. I have not
been removed, and they have re added me multipl...
Plan Premium Country United States Device (iPhone XR, PC) Operating System (iOS, Windows 10) My Question or Issue My premium family randomly stopped working for me, but not for the o...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceWindows 10 and iPhone 10 but no matter what
device I use the issue persistsOperating SystemiOS 10, Windows 10 My
Question or Issuehi so ever since spotify premium updated to show your
own top artists and top tracks, my acco...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Windows 10 and iPhone 10 but no matter what device I use the issue persists Operating System iOS 10, Windows 10 My Question or Issue hi so ever since ...
PlanPremium FamiliarCountryColombia My Question or IssueHi. For over a
year I am paying the full price for the family plan. But I am unable to
add family members. Sending the invitation link, logging in in their
account, accepting the invitation for ...
Plan Premium Familiar Country Colombia My Question or Issue Hi. For over a year I am paying the full price for the family plan. But I am unable to add family members. Sending the i...
PlanPremiumCountry. USA Device(Moto G Fast)Operating System(Android 10)
My Question or Issue Last month I had to get a new card and forgot to
update my new billing info but when I did I had lost my previous history
of songs that I've listened to also...
...illing info but when I did I had lost my previous history of songs that I've listened to also my family are still receiving ads and can't skip like they should be able to on family premium. My family h...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issuewe recently had a family account but the person paying
for it died. I upgraded mine to family...
...ecently had a family account but the person paying for it died. I upgraded mine to familyn but now when i send a link to my wife it wont upgrade her from the free version.