Premium Family
Android Phone, WindowsPC
Operating System
(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)
My Question or Issue
Cannot invite one ot the familymembers anymore after first invitation and "upgrade to premium"
What happened?
Being in hollidays in Greece, I upgraded my account from premium to family premium. Then invited first my wive who held already a free account. She accepted the invitation and confirmed address. Fine.
Then invited one child. Accepted invitation followed by registering for a new account which - obviously - was created as free account. Tried to confirm address which was refused due to mismatch of the countries. My family account pointed to Switzerland while the newly created account for child one was created with Country Greece. Had to log in with childs user credentials via webbrowser, upgrade to premium, adding payment information, became ability to change country, changed country to Switzerland and finally whas able to confirm invitation. Now hope not to be billed double.
Decided not to take this hassle again but to invite and setup second child when back home. Back in Switzerland, just invited second child, accepted invitation confirmed address and joined family premium. Fine. Recognized that Sonos Speakers in home WLAN are just not visible for this account since Premium is needed. Selected to upgrade to premium (after having joined by invitaton to premium family). Added payment method. Did not fix the problem. Tryied to switch back ot premium family. Ended up with new Family account. Could not accept former invitation to premium family anymore. Canceld new family premium under second childs premium account. Got informed that account will be switched back to premium at September, 4th. Re-invited second child from my premium family. Cannot accept invitation anymore.
Give up. Cannot control accounts according to our needs. Listening to music an podcast is great. Still like it very much. Dealing with accounts instead is an unbelievable hassle.
Wondering, if I also should cancel 30-day-trial of the free premium of second child, since it will create first invoice after unwanted family premium for his account will be switched by September, 4th.
Any chance for help?