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Shopify & Community,


I don't care for all forms of music, but I would be scolded beyond belief I I came out and said all Rap music needs to be removed because I don't care for it.


I don't want any form of music censored by Spotify, so it stands for reason that for advertising I don't want you to censor there as well.


I am a Christian, but I don't require anyone to beleif what I do. However, I don't want to be removed from my ability to post ads on your site because someone doesn't agree with me. Hate spech is wrong, but hate speech is not difference of opinion. In the United States, we allow all kinds of things that I find morally objectionable, but I don't want them censored. I want all people to be able to express themselves because that is a value I hold quite high and is the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.


Censorship is ruling out things that are not popular or are not palitable for someone. We should stand against Hate speech, but PragerU is not Hate speech, it is voicing ideas that you don't have to agree with. When you deny access to the function of Advertising on Spotify you are a Censor.


Futhermore, as a paying customer I will not continue my payments if your company continues to participate in Censorship even if its a poplar thing to do. As it doesn't support my beliefs in personal freedom to choose what to view, hear, engage in, or purchase.

14 Replies

I agree.  I have been a Premium Spotify member for many years.  Spotify should reconsider their decision to remove PragerU advertising or suffer the loss of users.  This appears to be blatant censorship on ideological grounds.  I agree also that it is stunning that Spotify would allow vulger lyrics (which also by the way include hate speech) to be played regularly without any censorship (aside from an "explicit" warning) but somehow think that conservative ideas are worth censoring.  It is incomprehensible to me.  It is a foolish decision at the very least.

I am a longtime premium subscriber, and I just found out, today, that Spotify has banned PragerU's advertisements.  This is totally unacceptable to me!  I am sick and tired of Big Tech companies censoring people's speech and views.  Yes, Spotify is a private company and has the right to decide what they allow on their platform.  But, I also have the right to not spend my money with a company who choses to censor or ban certain speech.  If you do not back off on this, I will cancel my premium plan, even though I love everything else about Spotify.

I believe that Spotify should either unban their or advertisement, or a safer move all together, just ban the use of all political-based advertisements that may pop up during songs

Segmented censorship is still censorship.

Well said. I have the same issue. This is America. I have to put up with ads and speech that I find totally offensive. Witness the cheering in New York when the governor signed the bill to allow infanticide. And the governor of Virginia said that they would keep the baby "comfortable" till the mother and doctor decide what to do with it! Wow!

Exactly as you said, PragerU, for example, provides a different point of view to the prevailing "wisdom" on anthropogenic global cooling/ warming/ climate change. See what Bjorn Lomborg (who believes in man-made global warming) but disagrees with the priority and efficacy of overweening government takeover of the economy.

Seriously, I am exploring Deezer, and at some point, I will move even if it costs me more. I have been a loyal premium and family subscriber for many years now. But I am disgusted and on the lookout to move. Maybe even Apple will be better.


Exactly. Even the recommendations show graphic / vulgar album covers. Most of the artists I listen to- classic rock musicians, for example- have a diametrically opposite point of view from mine. But I don't want them banned. Why is it that only someone with a conservative point of view is banned?

I also just learned about this too. Spotify is beginning to look like another leftist big tech company that is intolerant of people with other views. Everybody who has a Spotify subscription should reconsider if they still want to support this company. There is a lot of music posted in Youtube that can be enjoyed.

They've censored Ian Brown's anti-lockdown song โ€œLittle Seed Big Treeโ€. Bye Spotify!

I have once more got a mail from Spotify concerning my payment for May 2021. I have got a new credit and I have tried four times to solve the problem by giving you my my new credit card number, but I still got mails from Spotify that you have not got my payment.
Please send me a quick answer ...I think it is quite irritating, that the problem still accours.
Best regards....Kurt Raith

Yes, your right. I think some of the YouTube music is sent at higher audio quality than Spotify. The owner of Spotify is turning out to be a coward towards the leftist mob.

Sadly, far too many companies who should know better are caving to a rabid, primitive class who scream loudly out of fear and ignorance.  One solution is that the saner among us need to start organizing and mobilizing and pressuring these same companies, and being louder than the fascist cancel culture mob.    It is true that the public is getting very tired of the disingenuous lies and tactics of the Left and of the "rules for thee but not for me" stance that they take, but that tiredness and disgust has to be turned into action or else the fascists will continue to win battle after battle. 


Remember Newton's third law of physics: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Well in order to neutralize the forces on the first action, we must not only meet, but also increase the force of the reaction.   It is possible, we just need the will to do it and the understanding of what is at stake here.


If we allow the Left to take over the culture completely, the amount of offensive and even downright sick and perverted garbage that they will force down our throats will have no limit, trust me on that.

I have reported your post as inappropriate content. 

Without educated people to protect these forums from misinformation and inappropriate content, dangerous ideas could catch on to the detriment of us all. This remains true no matter how many times you scream "censorship".

So just a simple complain is already inappropriate content. It's you mister, the one having dangerous ideas.

Why is Palestinian music being censored?


no violence no hate in the lyrics. I can give examples. I want an answer from a company representative 

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