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Release Radar Order & Other Updates


Release Radar Order & Other Updates

I would love to know how many other users this happens to. Every week on Thursday night my Release Radar comes out with the whole playlist in one order and then sometime in the middle of the week it refreshes anew and the entire order of the playlist changes! This switch is so frustrating when I purposely try to listen in order so I know what I've listened to and what I haven't. My Release Radar's are generally really long so when the order of the playlist changes I lose my place. 


I also find that the order of the Release Radar isn't even based on my most listened-to artists which it should be. As the playlist goes down, it should reflect my listening history with those artists with the top being the most listened to and the bottom being the least. This is aside from the issues other people have rightfully brought up about fake releases etc.


For Premium individual users like me, these small (but not so small to us) changes mean a lot. Especially with the recent price hike, I need to know I'm getting great service for paying so much every month!


In general, I think Spotify has some work to do to better reflect fans and users who are looking to listen to what they want easily and without having everything else thrown at them. If not, there will be a migration of users that will go to other apps and streaming services like Apple Music for better use of their dollars. 

36 Replies

Today is Monday.  My Release Radar today is not the playlist that appeared last Friday.  At least one new gem so I am not unhappy but I am confused.

That's frustrating! Thankfully, mine hasn't had that issue for a while now but I fully know how annoying that could be! If I find any answer as to how to fix this I'll be sure to update!

I am now waiting until midweek the following week to listen to my release radar so that these "add ons" or whatever they are doing is set.  No clue if that helps but thats my current work around

I have had songs removed from my release radar this week. Super not happy about that.

The same thing happened to me as well again. I don't know how to predict the change either, it fluctuates and holds steady for months and then does not... Someone else mentioned them waiting until midweek for all the changes to happen and then they listen straight through without worry. Until something changes that could be a workaround somewhat 🙂

Hi I allways listen to RR every Friday and I love it. But recently it has change the order(of the songs) from Friday to Saturday. This is very frustrating. Can Spot please stop this nonsense?

spot is changing the order of the songs in RR - Mine is still 200 tracks - But is this a bug. Please help! It is my favorite list GD!

Oh, do I feel your pain! Mine has been going absolutely bonkers. My RR is also my best friend. 🙂 For the past two weeks, the list order has changed constantly. There are also so many spam songs that somehow have been listed under big-name artists, which is extremely frustrating! Between the list order changing, the spam songs nonstop and the system not recognizing the same songs as the same songs, I'm getting quite frustrated over how much I'm paying for Spotify Premium and these sucky system changes! The people want change and want it fast!

Yes, this is really starting to get on my nerves in a huge way. Every time I reopen Spotify it rearranges my whole RR list and then I end up relistening to so many songs I've already listened to and skipped. It also adds songs I haven't listened to up near the top of the list and I have no idea what I've listened to or haven't (unless it's something I've added to my favourites list). Sometimes the whole playlist refreshes and rearranges itself if I just minimise the app on my PC. Why have they done this? It's utterly stupid and never used to happen. So many of the new changes Spotify has made lately are just plain braindead. Like when they decided to cut the RR playlist down to 20 songs or whatever it was. PLEASE SORT THIS OUT BECAUSE IT IS JUST INFURIATING! 

I'm not sure why I'm listed as a casual listener because I spend like every day on Spotify


Wow, I found myself saying "same" to everything you wrote! I can't agree more, and I especially don't like Spotify pushing songs on listeners. I read a tech review article about this not too long ago about the new wave of Spotify that's consistently showing new artists, songs, etc to users vs. the old Spotify leaving listeners to their preferences and favorites. It feels like the app is headed in a certain direction and it seems like a lot of us users/ subscribers aren't happy to join the ride. Thanks for sharing your experience, now I know I'm not the only one!



Lol I think this community website is somewhat separate from the regular stuff and it automatically puts you in as "casual." I believe it's based on how often you engage on here...

1000% This is doing my head in.  I'm going to have to start sorting them alphabetically on the friday so there is some rhyme and reason during the week.

For some reason every time I open my release radar all the tracks are in a different order. I find it very annoying as I used to just listen from start to finish and cover every track in the list. Now I cant remember which tracks Ive listened to every time I open the playlist.

Thx Mkaay:) So if you sorting the list alphabetically (or maybe "Date added"? ) -The list will stay intact ?

I have this same issue and it's so frustrating. I hope Spotify rolls out a fix sometime soon!

Yeah, i got the same experience. For some reason, the Release Radar shuffles the order of songs. Very annoying, because i follow a lot of artists and there for need to keep up with the songs. Each time it shuffles i need to check (song wise) if its new or not. Please @spotify, fix this!

I'm with you all, the track order changing is so frustrating. This was the only thread that came up in my search. No updates or anything? Maybe we need to send this to anyone we know with Android Spotify and get the numbers up on it 😕

Still no word from Spotify… 🤐

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