I'm going to jump straight to it. We've all had this happen where we go to search for something specific and then narrow it down to something such as say a playlist or maybe a specific mood. The issue is that if I were to look up for example "Men's Mental Health", why do other playlists or moods show up that don't have the specific mood or playlist being searched included in the search? Having gone through a lot lately, I've been flipping from playlist to playlist and searching up some moods and playlists that should have a vast amount of content. Instead I'm shown content of the opposite of what I'm looking for. Maybe the addition of a filter into the search function would help to reduce the probability of this happening however, we use the search function in order to find a specific theme / mood / or song etc. With all of that out of the way, I cannot understand how this can happen. If I look up "Men's depression", why do playlists created by women that made them to try and put men down show up? This is the complete opposite of what was searched. On the other hand, if I look up "Women's depression" guess what, playlists and moods / genres show up for "Women's depression". Why is that? I find it highly unlikely that this just so happens to be like this. I know and understand that this is more of a rant then anything else but this is also me reaching out to try and better the existing search function. Say a guy going through a lot such as myself were to look something up such as "Men's depression" and see all these playlists that shame men, hate us, and talk highly negative of men. What do you think might happen? What do you think that person might think when they see that? "Fragile White Male Anger" "Male Manipulator Playlist" "MAN HATER PLAYLIST" and "music im mean to men to", these are just 4 examples that I picked from the top when I searched "Male depression" and hit the playlist button. This doesn't make any sense whatsoever! I'm just trying to get this out there so people know about this as I do feel this could cause issues both for trying to find something specific or just someone such as myself who when I searched this up got smacked with all these playlists created with malicious names that come off with negativity. This is something very minor but this is still something that could affect people.