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3 months premium free, doesn't work correctly

3 months premium free, doesn't work correctly

My Question or Issue


Monday (1 oktober) is saw that i could try spotify premium for free for 3 months. I already had premium on my account once before, so i created a new account and used the same bankaccount. I verified my back account for my new spotify account with 1 cent and got the 1 cent back later. 

But it says that i still have spotify free instead of premium. While i do have some of the premium features (can pick whatever song i want instead of suffle and can skip more than 6 times). 

Later i saw that when creating my new account i got a verification email from spotify. i did not see this and continued with getting my spotify premium.

In my spotify account i can also see that i payed for the 3 month free trial with €0.00


How do i get complete spotify premium?


3 Replies

Hey @user-removed, welcome to the Spotify Community!


Here's a helpful infographic from Spotify:

Upgraded not Premium.png


Are there any specific Premium functions you're missing? It's possible you're logging into the wrong account online when you go to check your subscription status online.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help 🙂

Hey Jacob,


The payment went through and in my new account it also says that i payed for it. so i am sure i got it for my new account.

i have tried reinstalling the app and login with my new account. But i only have some of the premium features even though it says i have the free version. I am missing the offline listening feature.






All you need to do is get in contact with Spotify support and their Accounts team can take a look backstage. The easiest way to contact them is by messaging SpotifyCares on Facebook or Twitter. They usually respond within 48 hours!

Please let me know if you need help with anything else 🙂

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