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Non éligible abonnement mensuel ?

Non éligible abonnement mensuel ?

Bonjour @all,


Je suis un ancien abonné Premium.
Je n'ai pas pu renouvellé mon abonnement Premium en mensuel, car à chaque fois que j'essaye, sur la page permettant de régler son abo, j'ai ce message :


Il semble que vous ne soyez pas éligible à cette offre, mais nous en avons trouvé d'autres pour vous.


Spotify me refuse l'offre mensuel.
Je n'ai accès qu'à :

- Spotify Famille

- Spotify Premium Yearly


Quelqu'un à déjà rencontré cette problématique et sait comment avoir accès à l'abo mensuel ?


Merci 🙂

8 Replies


Hey there @PsyKonline,


Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community!


We hope you don't mind us replying in English as it's the Community's official language.


We'd suggest trying once more to upgrade with a monthly Premium subscription here:

If you're still having troubles and seeing that error message, we'd recommend heading here to upgrade instead.


If none of these do the trick, any screenshots of what you see when the error message pops up would be very helpful. Just make sure that no private or sensitive info is displayed.


Let us know how you get on 🙂 We'll be right here if you need more help.

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Hello Katerina,


Yes, I tried :

  • In a different network connection: at home, at work, on a friend's wifi...
  • From a different device: my computer, my phone, my wife's phone, my wife's computer...
  • From a different device: chrome, safari, firefox internet explorer...


So, on your advice, I also tried :

  • private window
  • clear my cache

And... it still does not work.

I can't choose a monthly subscription 😞

Why ?!?!?!?


Capture d’écran 2019-05-09 à 09.25.36.png

I have the same issue. Does not seem to be a browser problem.


@PsyKonline did you find a solution ?

@Katerina? up ? 😀




Hey there @David211 and @PsyKonline,


Thanks for keeping in touch regarding this!


It's possible you're trying to subscribe for a 30-trial, which could explain why you're seeing this error message if you had a Premium subscription in the past.


In that case, we'd suggest trying to subscribe for Premium from this link instead.


We'd also recommend making sure to check all the steps provided here.


Let us know how things go! If you're still having troubles, don't hesitate to give us a shout. We'll be happy to lend a hand.


Have a lovely day 🙂

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Hi there!


Same issue, none of the answers works... I hope Spotify's support team will be able to figure it out, I won't suscribe a Family account after one year suscribing premium individual, which was quiet satisfying.

Problem solved: I already had a premium account, so what I had to do was upgrade the payment informations (my account was closed because of the expiration of my credit card).


Problème résolu pour moi! En fait le soucis venait de ce que mon compte avait été suspendu en raison de l'expiration de ma carte de crédit: il m'a suffit de mettre à jour les informations de paiement.

je viens de m’inscrire avec un nouveau compte et une nouvelle adresse. Lorsque je tente de m’abonner à premium, j’ai toujours un message indiquant que je ne suis pas admissible? Il serait intéressant que je puisse avoir accès au 3 mois gratuit comme tout le monde tant qua obtenir premuim

Hey @31b3ucp3k2vg7oyqhvup,


Thanks for reaching out. We hope you don't mind us replying in English.


Please note that in order to prevent fraud, a payment method can only be used once to activate a free trial. If you've already used your payment method for a different subscription, you're unfortunately not eligible for the offer. However, you can still start a regular Premium subscription here.


We hope this helps.

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