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Premium expiry date

Premium expiry date

Hello Spotify Community.


I have a little confusion regarding my premium subscription eligibility. It says here my premium will expired on 5/4/2018. But it's already 6/4/18, and I still have my premium ongoing. No, I did not pay by credit card for renewal subscription. I want to be clear, is it DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY format?



3 Replies

Hi @anasred123,


Which country are you from? If you're from USA then it's MM/DD/YYYY.


I'm not from USA so Spotify shows it as DD/MM/YYYY.


Cheers 🙂

Hey rossi1911,


My Spotify isn't from USA. It's quite odd if the date format is DD/MM/YY. Because it's already passed my subscription expiry. Will just have to wait a few days after.

I'd suggest you to try to re-login and then re-check your subscription status.


If it still says Premium, you can contact Spotify Support on this Contact Form Here.


Or send them Tweet / DM on Twitter (@SpotifyCares).


Cheers 🙂

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