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I'm a family plan user and I just received the email that my family plan was cancelled due to not agreeing to the newer price. That previous *one* email was burried in dozens of other mails and did not even include an "action required" or anything in the subject.
Now I would like to agree to the new price but there is neither an option to accept, nor an option to renew with the new price. I don't want the subscription to run out because all of my family members would be dropped and would have to be re-added. That can't be the usability you have been aiming for, right?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hey everyone,
Sorry to hear you're having trouble accepting the new price.
If you're not seeing the option to accept it on your account page, simply cancel your subscription using these steps and then renew it from the Manage Your Plan page (make sure you're seeing the new price when accepting the renewal).
Note that your account won't revert to free immediately so you don't need to worry about losing your offline playlists or having to re-invite your Premium Family/Duo members.
We hope this helps. Let us know if you need any help with the process.
In den Texten zur Preiserhöhung heißt es:
Wenn Du diesem neuen Preis nicht bis zum 31. Dezember 2023 zustimmst, behält sich Spotify das Recht vor, Dein Premium-Abo ordentlich zu kündigen.
Diese Formulierung hat mich bislang davon abgehalten, der Preiserhöhung zuzustimmen: Wenn definitiv eine Kündigung ausgesprochen werden würde, könnte es ja dort so formuliert werden. So kann ich spekulieren, dass die Kündigung erstmal nicht ausgespochen wird, und ich weitere Monate zum alten Preis bekomme. Ich kann im Zweifel ja auch nach Erhalt der Kündigung immer noch verlängern oder neu abschließen. Oder übersehe ich etwas?
Hey @domsom, thanks for reaching out to the Community!
Spotify will inform you of a price increase before the increase takes place, so you can decide on whether or not you will keep your Premium subscription. That text means that if you do not agree to the price increase, you can cancel your subscription before the price increase takes effect - and this is provided in the Terms and Conditions here.
I will pass your feedback on to the right teams because of the wording as Spotify always strives to improve. There is more information on price changes here.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Hey @Billy-J, thanks for the quick reply!
The text is legalese though, and it states that Spotify reserves the right to cancel the subscription if I don't accept the price increase. So either they plan to do it anyhow - then the text could simply state that. Or Spotify considers to not invoke that right - then I would effectively keep the old price. I'm currently speculating on the latter, since I can always subscribe for the new price later. However, I'd like to keep my subscription so this is just some gambling - but I'd like to understand why Spotify is playing that game in the first place 😉
Mich wollen die jetzt auf die Kostenlose Variante umstellen, hatte nicht zugestimmt, es vergessen. Und sie kündigen es einfach...
Somit weißt Du jetzt was die dann machen...
I received message that my premium is cancelled by feb although the account is switched to new price already. Changed within the account are not possible. Any hints for me on how to proceed? thanks
Today I received a cancellation from Spotify for my Premium Family plan by end of February because I did not agree to the increased fees. However, I never received an e-mail where it was announced an where I had an option to can agree.
Account administration does not allow me to make any changes (since I subscribe to premium already), but I don't want to lose my playlists and favorites for me and my kids.
Is there still any chance to agree to the changes ans so get rid of the cancellation?
Same issue here. I want to switch, but can't. Lil help?
. . . ich habe heute die Kündigung meines Premium Family Abos erhalten, da ich die Preiserhöhung nicht rechtzeitig bis zum 31.12.2023 angenommen habe. Wie bei Icelady soll ich nun auf eine kostenlose Variante umgestellt werden.
Wo kann ich in meinem Account die Preiserhöhung nachträglich annehmen, so dass das Premium Family Abo unverändert zum neuen Preis von EUR 17.99 weitergeführt wird?
. . . ich habe heute die Kündigung meines Premium Family Abos erhalten, da ich die Preiserhöhung nicht rechtzeitig bis zum 31.12.2023 angenommen habe. Das Konto wird nun im Februar auf das Abo Spotify Free umgestellt.
Wo kann ich in meinem Konto die Preiserhöhung nachträglich annehmen, so dass das Premium Family Abo unverändert zum neuen Preis von EUR 17.99 weitergeführt wird? Aktuell werden mir nur die Abos Premium Individual, Premium Student, Premium Duo und Spotify Free als Option angezeigt.
Premium Family
PC, Android
Operating System
(Windows 10, Android)
My Question or Issue
Ich habe vergessen der Preisanpassung des Familyabos zuzustimmen und bekam nun die Info, dass das Abo im Februar gekündigt wird. Dann wird mein Account und die meiner Familienmitglieder auf Free umgestellt. Kann ich nun noch die Kündigung abwenden oder muss ich die Umstellung abwarten und dann meine Familienmitglieder neu einladen?
Besten Dank
Same here, don't want to lose configuration and want to avoid reinviting all family members. I cannot see, why they do not offer a late confirmation/please change my subscription form...I am trying to contact support about it. Waiting time for an agent: 123 minutes... guess we are not alone. Will let you know.
Exactly the same here. I'm really wondering what people do think about while they hide an 'Agree.' button so well that users are unable to find it.
Looked within the app and even logged into my account in the browser.. but didn't find anything to accept the new price...
Well done ^^
I also have the same question - how can I subsequently agree to the price increase?
Hey everyone,
Sorry to hear you're having trouble accepting the new price.
If you're not seeing the option to accept it on your account page, simply cancel your subscription using these steps and then renew it from the Manage Your Plan page (make sure you're seeing the new price when accepting the renewal).
Note that your account won't revert to free immediately so you don't need to worry about losing your offline playlists or having to re-invite your Premium Family/Duo members.
We hope this helps. Let us know if you need any help with the process.
Hello, the problem is the way Spotify changes the price. Original text from the FAQ: "Nutzer*innen, die bereits Spotify Premium haben, werden per E-Mail benachrichtigt und haben eine Kulanzfrist von drei Monaten, bevor der neue Preis gilt. Wenn sie dem neuen Preis nicht zustimmen, kündigt Spotify ihr Abo und ihr Konto wird nach Ablauf der Kulanzfrist automatisch auf unseren kostenlosen, werbegestützten Dienst umgestellt." In my case there was never an email with an information - only one pop-up when i opend the app in the wrong moment - then I had never again the chance to agree the new price. Why it is not possible to take back the cancellation of the subscription? The way Spotify works is not fair...
I followed your workaround instruction, cancelled and immedately resigned for premium family. It worked out, know showing the new price on renewal date. Thank you. But I did not get a confirmation mail or something. Hopefully the system will not cancel anyway because some flags stay set on your end anyway... 😉
Sorry, no, it doesn't work for me. I canceled the Family Premium. Now I can only choose from other Premium offers (eg. Individual) but Premium Family is not selectable as it's "Your Current Plan". Because of that it's not offered. And what am I supposed to do now?
Thank you, this worked for me. However, I had to cancel, then navigate away and back to the page where you can see all your current subscriptions and then I could click the button for the new family subscription. Without these steps, you can only click buttons for other subscription types. There is also one page that keeps showing your current subscription type as already in use, even if you canceled it. I suggest QA should check these pages.
Thanks for all the feedback on this. We'll be sure to pass it on to the teams here and improve our communications in the future.
If you have trouble re-subscribing we can recommend the steps @decoder_oh lists to get the Family plan again.
It's also a good call to give it a shot in an incognito window or a different browser to avoid any issues caused by saved cookies and cache.
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