![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/94fc40d3ccd624b35bd481fb645ef5dca72266bb/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f30323833613261343962383861333566613835363735663565633961663339353166363964376565) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/16f00612e484f66c29f8065dd10f2c2076cedd2d/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f30373364623035343033393839343662393661623034333764396436646630656433366638383530) |
Car Seat Headrest |
Richard Ashcroft |
Teens Of Denial |
These People |
Origin : Leesburg, Virginia, USA |
Origin : Wigan, England |
Genre : Indie Rock |
Genre : Alternative Rock, Dream Pop |
It started as a solo project in 2010 by Will Toledo. After releasing 12 albums on bandcamp, a full band has been signed to Matador Records. Teens Of Denial is the second album for this label.
Fifth studio album for the British musician , singer-songwriter knowing as anyone else create nice melodies and harmonies.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/dffaab181b5994cbf248f2902e8a3d04afb88a56/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f39343130646664313365336135626133316238383335336463333030613665306639373564333234) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/eab3b4583aca55970ae18ae14cb1fb5ce39552a4/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f30616433303863363930666336613838663563363366373964323064366439303766663935306335) |
Various Artists |
Mutual Benefit |
Day Of The Dead |
Skip A Sinking Stone |
Origin : Red Hot Organization |
Origin : Austin, Texas, USA |
Genre : Grateful Dead Covers |
Genre : Indie Folk-Rock |
Compilation benefiting the Red Hot Organization, an international charity dedicated to raising funds and awareness for HIV and AIDS. 59 recordings of Grateful Dead Covers by the cream of indie artists. Project managed by Aaron and Bryce Dessner of the band The National.
Created in 2009, Mutual Benefit is the project of singer-songwriter Jordan Lee. Recordings gather various musicians and has no concrete band line-up. After several digital only albums, this new one is the second to be released as well digitally and physically.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/d6534a26003613632310d7225081b13a1968da84/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f39656636343966656639633331373333666232636335663264643939346634353766336562356163) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/589b099248193137f02cc0af3285fd4209bd94ec/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f38343035626637646336326366623232616166326239363734616332303933326166363930636132) |
On Dead Waves |
Marissa Nadler |
On Dead Waves |
Strangers |
Origin : England |
Origin : Washington D. C., USA |
Genre : Indie Folk-Rock, Dream Pop |
Genre : Indie Folk-Pop |
Debut album of the collaborative project between James Chapman of the band Maps and solo singer Polly Scatergood. They met at Mute Records and decided to work together. Haunting Melodies.
Marissa Nadler is a singer-songwriter, guitarist based in Boston, Massachusetts. With this seventh studio album she exposes all her creativity and solid sense of songwriting.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/5f605642abc441bbef087a681c023567e241f9af/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f61326338393331616132646334396437633766333661643031663138633230643231656632643334) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/dbae3a1d819b5961d75c5909e295def49e46df68/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f31356366666430636164303433383134326531363535633133646635633232303630396161636563) |
Lonely The Brave |
Wo Fat |
Things Will Matter |
Midnight Cometh |
Origin : Cambridge, England |
Origin : Dallas, Texas, USA |
Genre : Alternative Rock, Post-Hardcore |
Genre : Stoner Rock, Psychedelic |
Third studio album from the British band formed in 2008. Solid sound somewhere looking towards stadium-anthems.
It's strong, heavy and will knock your stomach if you don't forget to push the volume as high as possible (it's made to be listened that way). For once, forget the neighbors.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/2f7852888e0739b9598f7449b0ba951f8c9855b0/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f64633732386135653831393630383330653030343133653135383332616233613262346163343835) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/1f89792b06c8f48e64a878b9c5808e314749908d/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f32616336653539383761316134303835643264633931626165326532386332633833353363383833) |
Mudcrutch |
Against The Current |
2 |
In Our Bones |
Origin : Gainesville, Florida, USA |
Origin : Poughkeepsie, New York, USA |
Genre : Southern Rock, Country Rock |
Genre : Pop-Rock |
Second studio album of the American band best known for being the forerunner of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
Debut album of the American band formed in 2011 by Chrissy Costanza, Dan Gow, Will Ferri, who are, as it has been said, "Ready to conquer the world".
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/3a84e5f68dd9f81ba00734cc028da0b1ef15d065/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f37353562353439383433363566316139663762303233343964313464663033626339613631306232) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/c3c3fa4fd75618a21ba921d38c1db4058a58edf6/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f32366130383230653362346666356666356433356631613535656662373564356336393261326464) |
Kate Jackson |
Andy Shauf |
British Road Movies |
The Party |
Origin : England |
Origin : Canada |
Genre : Art-Rock, Indie Rock |
Genre : Chamber Pop |
Formerly known as lead singer of the band The Long Blondes, Kate Jackson works now with Bernard Butler former Suede guitarist. She is also performing in two bands: The Wrong Moves and The Wilsons.
Delicate and subtle melodies from the Canadian singer-songwriter, real aesthetic, crafting beautiful songs.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/d8a0d4df1d73843fb324946c27243a9324cb4796/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f34316231303565343939343664313165623136363266363530623765376634653266346230313330) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/5e344f47d2076b441f833a9f8d14004f349aec35/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f38306638623961653063336266643532356364376332353431633135656234616163396131663536) |
Tiger Army |
Brett Dennen |
V |
Por Favor |
Origin : Berkeley, California, USA |
Origin : Oakdale, California, USA |
Genre : Psychobilly, Punk Rock |
Genre : Folk-Pop |
Based in Los Angeles, the American band has been formed in 1996. Constant member and lead songwriter is singer/guitarist Nick 13. This fifth studio album, first in 9 years, mixes elements of rockabilly and power-pop.
On this sixth studio album the American singer-songwriter offers sweet melodies.