![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/dddaba0a24c8e1dd37b2c6930c9845c074f14b13/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f65393033383133303932613065636563356631303761633562613665323731333539636164393566) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/d3cd2ac21d4d39d61225fce72149eac4b6dc898d/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f61613733653336613332393637653763313966383332376534313466646431373364333062376333) |
Pegase |
The Hotelier |
Another World |
Goodness |
Origin : Nantes, France |
Origin : Worcester, Massachusetts, USA |
Genre : Dream Pop, Chamber Pop |
Genre : Indie Rock |
Second album of the French musician, producer, delivering his delicate and haunting electro-pop.
Third studio album of the American band, formed in 2009 and originally name The Hotel Year when they met in high school.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/98b687c3bb28afc823b837daf013d769ed71f452/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f32333936636330373936623066393662383064303639353664306664306331343533363437646231) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/fd8afb59ef53b43c059d5cc0d87706342e05f07c/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f34653262643635303834616665316430653435363839336634313431623035616336656437343130) |
Band Of Skulls |
Big Thief |
By Default |
Masterpiece |
Origin : Southampton, England |
Origin : Brooklyn, New York, USA |
Genre : Indie Rock, Garage Rock |
Genre : Indie Rock |
Fourth studio album of the British band with punchy and catchy melodies.
Debut album of the American band led by singer-songwriter, guitarist, Adrianne Lenker. Catchy melodies.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/e6a569bda484d19d80a5ef0151c7d475f942f607/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f34396665323862383933356563356430383066653136663238633437356664383865303663376439) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/3d0dd4e4c9d7d9a8399e1358310fb9f0c03468f9/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f64356135393633323466656531353137353638623966613862346662643266393438336363336438) |
Kristin Kontrol |
The Dream Is Over |
X-Communicate |
Origin : Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Origin : San Leandro, California, USA |
Genre : Indie Punk-Rock |
Genre : Electro Pop-Rock |
Second studio album of the Canadian band formed in 2013 under the name Topanga. Energetic music with hooky guitars.
Debut solo new project of Kristin Welchez, American musician, singer-songwriter, best known as founder and lead singer of the band Dum Dum Girls.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/ed2107bf9a17911803d736dc72b51abfc5bb5959/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f64633435663461313863623466643065376265303838656466323335616532616632656631356262) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/ba2ceb9cdf5a2cdcaa38463de04fdb10f1b6ccb1/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f32383764306335383462333661346431323432336130323738383761363134333366313738613038) |
Sonny & The Sunsets |
Tony Joe White |
Moods Baby Moods |
Rain Crow |
Origin : Denver, Colorado, USA |
Origin : Oak Grove, Louisiana, USA |
Genre : Garage Rock, Beach Pop |
Genre : Swamp Rock |
Residing in San Francisco, The American band is led by Sonny Smith, musician, playwright and multimedia artist. Sea, Sun, Sand and Surf.
New album of the American singer-songwriter and guitarist, born in 1943 and known for his legendary 1969 hit "Polk Salad Annie".
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/20f6e8db9c5cabbce514209f65241fd5048a2a9a/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f64366461386665323536623835366438383065326239306365613437326364383230616632313337) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/7c90c040bd609ea3471c6d89ba97d0b9f9258996/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f33326462653936393532656636636639353761633131623936326139323761393061663537653863) |
Clare Maguire |
Beth Orton |
Stranger Things Have Happened |
Kidsticks |
Origin : West Midlands, England |
Origin : Norfolk, England |
Genre : Indie Pop |
Genre : Folktronica |
The British singer-songwriter is a child of Myspace where one of her demo track reached 1 million plays in 2009, which leaded to interest from major companies. After a first album in 2011, she entered some difficult time to come back in 2016 with this second album representing exactly what is her music.
Seventh studio album of the British singer-songwriter, known for her music mixing elements of folk and electronica.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/dfc34bc2cb5ebc2317fe7bc3e806f9aaa6b442d0/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f39376464333263343938303435623734346534363630323365353263353139633933323338363537) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/9f71d65d3fef494c3f9b75b0c8af4d6fe3d16513/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f31383439393037353564343636663539626563613435303637336137323461383963666163366430) |
Flume |
Holy Fuck |
Skin |
Congrats |
Origin : Sydney, Australia |
Origin : Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Genre : Electronica, downtempo |
Genre : Electronica, Electro Rock |
After a critical acclaimed debut album in 2012, the Australian electronic music producer come back with a second studio album, supported by many collaborations as Vic Mensa, Tove Lo, Vince Staples, Little Dragon, Aluna George to name just a few.
Formed in 2004, and after different line-up changes, the Canadian band delivers its fourth studio album.
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/fd79dcd40266dc8c0f8f40ac7f8603b23deeae83/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f63623065306665346138616237643162643934333931373661353264386266383136653464303838) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/259bbcd05b348b190c4d1c5cf74de49ad60ad733/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f31653330646365376663623833666439363336663338653461366436366364323365663439616138) |
Thrice |
Real Friends |
To Be Anywhere Is To Be Nowhere |
The Home Inside My Head |
Origin : Irvine, California, USA |
Origin : Tinley Park, Illinois, USA |
Genre : Alternative Rock |
Genre : Pop-Punk |
Ninth studio album of the American band formed in 1998 and always the same line-up as when they met and started in high-school.
Second studio album of the band formed in 2010. Described as Pop-Punk and Emo, they are signed to Fearless Records.