![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/e48e6114f6a61ca0ee51e7455b842276f3179662/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f65396232616463623237313062306237353838663232636139326637623936636636356162333639) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/af607ed0f84a478694e1595efd19ab9590ce81b8/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f65666134666362633330356338303230626338326239656161303136643464316163663538386630) |
Leonard Cohen |
The Radio Dept. |
You Want It Darker |
Running Out Of Love |
Origin : Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
Origin : Lund, Sweden |
Genre : Indie Folk, Spoken Words, Poetry |
Genre : Indie Pop, Dream Pop, Shoegaze |
==> Fourteenth studio album by the 82 yo Canadian poet, singer-songwriter. Music delicately supports a warm voice and poetic words. |
==> Fourth studio album by the Swedish band signed to Labrador Records and formed in 1995. In 1998, after a 3 years hiatus, original member Johan Duncanson joined by Martin Larsson, restarted the band. |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/9ec0410eb9b90f41a84f368c41275bcf5c676601/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f31633736393333373931653133623266376361633365376137373937366336323137623861343838) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/c93c38b82c0a087dea48dd83e773d60b1c2a6f1c/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f34393635373332376261396263633230633432353133316432626439363233616330306431323739) |
Jacuzzi Boys |
Saint Motel |
Ping Pong |
saintmotelevision |
Origin : Miami, Florida, USA |
Origin : Los Angeles, California, USA |
Genre : Indie Rock, Garage Rock |
Genre : Indie Pop, Indie Rock |
==> Fourth studio album from the energetic and melodic American band emerging in 2007. |
==> Second studio album by the Califonian band formed in 2009 and consisting of A/J Jackson (lead vocals, guitar, piano), Aaron Sharp (lead guitar), Dak Lerdamornpong (bass), and Greg Erwin (drums). |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/b22bddc25f241f0160bd191b28d63329579df470/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f33373333613463616331386363316262343331336566326235616364643934343764306234653434) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/9424eb0f4e594fa60a11119bea3f380f2e2ca227/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f39393564343334646437653230336336363961656136396435626261356535616532383238373037) |
Crystal Fighters |
The Pretty Reckless |
Everything Is My Family |
Who You Selling For |
Origin : London, England |
Origin : New York City, New York, USA |
Genre : Alternative Dance, Electronic Folk |
Genre : Alternative Rock |
==> Third studio album by the British band formed in 2007. They use to play both electric and acoustic guitars, which adds lots of timbre, synths, drums, and incorporate traditional Basque instruments into their music. |
==> Third studio album by the American rock band formed in 2009 and led by Taylor Momsen (lead vocals, rhythm guitar). |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/03f1f1b3d546b7f3d7e7eeb3289521220f9b85bd/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f36613861383664313434656561366632303134643565623231346364376466633737306362623164) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/618e0979d87421c1410c929bc3aaece19ece3b73/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f34363431396434313035646331303434386361366436343534656531313665363130326639333566) |
Jimmy Eat World |
American Football |
Integrity Blues |
American Footbal (LP2) |
Origin : Mesa, Arizona, USA |
Origin : Urbana, Illinois, USA |
Genre : Alternative Rock, Power Pop |
Genre : Indie Emo, Math Rock |
==> Ninth studio album by the American band formed in 1993 and led by vocalist and guitarist Jim Adkins. |
==> Originally active from 1997 through 2000 with a debut album out in 1999, the band reunited in 1914 and started to work on their second LP. |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/16b8b5817a14b43286b7f4f01166c69c2d793867/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f37333366623933323635383838303835353532613331343137336132383963623733326233393534) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/23ca29d98ff972a3d46c63f1292a0348a0c11b1c/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f39353535383131613861363237376233356130626462613964353236653439663231316165666334) |
Agnes Obel |
Korn |
Citizen Of Glass |
The Serenity Of Suffering |
Origin : Copenhagen, Denmark |
Origin : Bakersfield, California, USA |
Genre : Indie Folk, Pop, Classical |
Genre : Alternative Metal |
==> Third studio album by the brilliant Danish pianist, singer-songwriter whose debut album in 2010 was a critical and commercial success. |
==> Twelfth studio album by the Californian band. Guitarist Brian Welch, said : "It is heavier than anyone's heard us in a long time" and that "it contains their most intense music in a long time vocally as well". |