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how can i share a playlist with local files?

how can i share a playlist with local files?

I import some local files to spotify and the create a playlist with this files.
Now i want to share this playlist but the people who i shared can't listening.
3 Replies

The local files that you imported to Spotify are not available to others because they are not part of the Spotify library. In order for others to be able to listen to the playlist, you would need to add songs from the Spotify library to the playlist instead of local files. This can be done by searching for the songs within the Spotify app and adding them to the playlist. Once the playlist contains only songs from the Spotify library, you can share the playlist with others and they will be able to listen to it.


If the local files are not in the Spotify library, they cannot be added to a Spotify playlist and shared with others. However, there are a few workarounds that you can try:

  • You can upload the local files to a cloud storage service, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, and then share the link to the files with others.
  • You can use a third-party service, such as Soundiiz, to convert the local files into a Spotify playlist, and then share the link to the playlist with others.
  • You can use a third-party service, such as TuneMyMusic, to convert the local files into a Spotify playlist, and then share the link to the playlist with others.

Keep in mind that these workarounds may not work for copyrighted music and could be illegal.


Here's a couple playlists you may be interested in:

and what if the other person has the same mp3 file on their device? will they be able to listen to the song when played in their playlist?

right now if i add music to other playlists from my local storage nobody can hear them i would like to see  a feature added where music in my local storage can be played by my friends.

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