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Difference between starred and 'saved' songs

Difference between starred and 'saved' songs

So I've only been using Spotify for a little while and it's generally been fairly decent, but one thing I'm trying to getmy head around is 'starring' and 'favourite/saving' different songs.


From my perspective I'm not interested in playlists. I just want to find tracks I like, mark them in some way and then have all of these preferred tracks in one place. But it seems that while initially using the Mac app I starred tracks that I came across that I liked, but when on the iOS app I've selected the '+' assuming this was marking it in the same way ....... but obviously isn't. I now have two seperate sections of Spotify which contain different tracks that I like - a load under the Starred section and then another load under Songs.


What are people'sbest way of managing tracks they want to 'save' in one place for easy access/playback?


And why has this system been implemented? It's not exactly user-friendly - surely a better solution is to have a 'favourite' button on each track (whether it's local, radio, or organically searched for) and just save these in one, single place!
2 Replies

There are a few ways of managing music now:
1) Through normal Creating Playlists and putting them into folders so you can categorize them in folders and playlists
2) Using My Music - you can put it inside and have a sort of digital music library that you can use.

Starred is not recommended as its phased out. In the past, (about 6 months ago), there is a 'star' icon in every song you hear on the mobile/web player which you can click and that will add to this starred playlist... But everyone uses My Music now..
Meet Jeremy! | Day Entrepreneur, Night, Music Fanatic
I'm here to shuffle!

  • Write what matters in your heart to others, you never know whether you have another chance again.

It took me a while to figure out the difference, too, but I've come to appreciate the two organizational systems now. I personally add individual, standalone tracks I've discovered that I really enjoy to the Starred playlist for easy access, and use the + button to save entire albums that I like the most so I have my entire library filled with albums I enjoy. This allows me to separate single songs that I like from whole albums that I enjoy.

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