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Frustration with new IOS update

Frustration with new IOS update

The new IOS update has so many terrible new features.  I really hope some of these things revert or at least have the option to revert because they truly are infuriating.


1). "Liked" songs no longer show when viewing full albums.   This is so incredibly stupid.  We spent years liking specific songs to listen to on specific albums and sometimes we just want to listen to those songs or at least see how many are "liked" on a full album.  Why would they get rid of these hearts?  


2).  Now to like a song instead of just swiping with one motion, you need to swipe, select a "liked" platlist and save.  Goes from 1 step to 3.  So, for example, if I'm driving and previously a song I liked comes on and I want to quickly add it to liked songs previously I could do that in half a second, now with 3 steps it's going to prevent me from doing it while driving and will miss going back to songs.


3).  Can't add full albums to a playlist.   Again, why would you take away this feature?  I have a best albums of 2022 playlist that I keep (been doing it since 2018) and always add new full albums to the list.  Now, instead of simply just adding an album, I have to add song by song of each record (with the 3 steps to add to playlist for each song).   Terrible.


4).  Artists radio can't be turned off when casting to a Chromecast.  While I'm falling asleep, I like to play a record and instead of an album ending and my room going to silence, it now plays music all night long.  Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have to turn off my receiver because Spotify made it so that autoplay cannot be turned off.


These are just things I found in the first few days of this update.

2 Replies

Hey @veganvadim,


Thanks for reaching out and taking the time to share your feedback with us, we really appreciate it!


We'd like to address each one of your points individually, so here it goes:

  1. We're aware of this behavior and it's already been reported to the relevant team.
  2. We're testing new ways of adding songs to your library as described in this thread. Please make sure to subscribe for  updates and feel free to share your feedback there as well.
  3. We're currently investigating the issue in this thread. Again, your feedback is most welcome and any news related to the issue will be posted there.
  4. Please make sure that you've disabled "Autoplay on other devices" in your mobile app's settings and let us know if the behavior persists.

Keep us posted!


Take care,

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I see that in the latest update liked songs (ones previously with hearts next to them) are once again not shown when viewing a full album by an artist.   Is this something that will be looked at again?   


It's a really useful feature to be able to see this.  Now when viewing an album, there's no way to see which songs I've already liked previously.




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