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Who Me Too'd this topic

What happens to my saved songs when I uninstall the app?

I will start this by saying I am a Premium user and I use Spotify almost solely on my Galaxy Note 4.  Recently I have been getting a pop-up that says I have reached the maximum number of downloads.  From what I understand this is 3,333 on a single device, and I have no problem with that.  What I am having problems with is undownloading songs.  I want to undownload a whole bunch of albums and individual songs that I don't currently want to listen to from my device, without removing them from my saved songs.  I just don't see an option to do this on most of the songs and I think that can be attributed to having chosen the option to download in different areas (i.e. in playlists, individually, as an entire album, or automatically in the case of Discover Weekly).  Because of this, it has become a living nightmare trying to figure out how to undownload thousands of songs.  It's just not working.


It is my understanding that saved songs are different from downloaded ones. Right?  I can save all the songs I want, and the limit only applys to songs that I have acutally downloaded.  Long story short, I think it may be easier to uninstall the app completely, but I do have some concerns. 

 1. Will uninstalling actually remove the downloads from my device?  2. Will my playlists and more imporantly my SAVED SONGS remain a part of my account so that I can access them again once I reinstall the app?


There is a good chance I am off the mark and just missing something very minor but vital.  Please feel free to let me know what my best option here would be.  Thank you very much for your time!

Who Me Too'd this topic