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change username

change username

i need to change my username
i know we only use our email to login but i want to change it
2 Replies

Hey! Let me see if I can help you out.


Firstly, be advised that usernames cannot be changed. Many years ago these could be set during account creation but now these are simply randomly generated. The username serves to unique identify your account in the system and that's why it cannot be changed.


However, you have your display name. This is how you will appear in the app to other people and this name can be used to search for your account too. The following steps should help you change your display name in your smartphone or computer / tablet.

To change your Spotify display name on mobile:
  1. Launch the Spotify app
  2. Tap the Home icon (bottom left)
  3. Tap Settings (top right)
  4. Tap View Profile (beside your profile picture)
  5. Hit the Edit button (below your profile picture)
  6. Replace your existing profile name with a new name of up to 30 characters
  7. Tap Save to update your new name
To change your Spotify display name on a Computer / Tablet:
  1. Login to Spotify
  2. Click on the downward arrow beside your profile photo (top right)
  3. Select Profile from the menu
  4. Click on your profile name
  5. Replace your existing name with a new name of up to 30 characters
  6. Click on Save to update your new public facing display name

Hope that helps! If not, come back here and leave another comment explaining the issue.


All the best!




Przychodzę z zapytaniem czy możliwa jest jej zmiana z jakiegoś poziomu? "Nazwę widoczną" jestem w stanie zmienić bez problemu ale tej nie dam rady... Gdy wysyłam komuś link do mojego spotify każdy widzi w nim tą brzydka, długą nazwę. Czy mogę coś z tym zrobić? Do kogo z supportu musiałbym napisać aby ją zmienić?

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