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Downloaded songs undownloading

Downloaded songs undownloading

This has happened twice now, i have a samsung j7 with huge storage, i have spotify premium and in early january spotify undownloaded all the songs i had downloaded for no reason and i had to download them all again, today the same happened and they all undownloaded and i am having to download them all again. This is very annoying and i dont know what to do.
4 Replies

Disappearing offline tracks is a standard problem.  

Did you have Premium and the same phone for some time before January? (i.e. did not occur before)  Might be caused by a recent update to the app.

Have you been logging into Spotify (online) regularly?  Because you must go online at least every 28 days  (max) otherwise your offline tracks will be deleted. (this is in the terms and conditions)

I use it everyday and had it for a while previous to this, some tracks would never download again after this, theres one that was downloaded before thia happened but when i tried to re download it wouldnt and however many times i try to undownload and redownload the song and album it wont

It did it again today, first the albums weren't even shown, they were just shown as loading and then it logged me out, when i tried to log in it said it couldnt because it was in offline mode then it closed and opened and all my stuff was undownloaded it is also not letting me download any more

Happens to me recently three times last month.
Same issue:
Premium Account: check.
More than enough Storage: check.
Going online at least one time in 48 hours: check.
Getting deleted every single offline playlist during vacation after restarting my phone: check.
Getting angry as it is the third time: check.

I hope they will get this fixed soon, because the offline storage is for me the only argument for getting premium but with getting it deleted again and again, i could switch to standard with getting the same service and comfort.
Also, my itch to go back to buying cds from Amazon with AutoRip is getting stronger...

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