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How to "un-dislike" a song?

How to "un-dislike" a song?

I was playing one of my daily mixes and fiddled with the phone - and whoa - accidentally clicked that "dislike button" (or whatever) I had not seen ever before. Then I accidentally pressed again some another thing on the screen. All I saw was something like "we won't play that to you again" which is a bummer because it was a good song. Then I tried to revert what I had just done and accidentally liked a couple of songs (I guess) which I didn't like.


Is there a some kind of way to edit my likes and dislikes - especially the latter ones? I am not sure but it feels like the liked ones went to my own songs, but where did the dislikes go?


I would like to disable the whole feature. I think those buttons are useless for me and are way too small and close to other controls for my fingers.

9 Replies

Unfortunately, there is not edit list you can un-dislike songs. However, I have a few solutions to your problem.

1. If you are on a phone go to Your Music and scroll down. There you should probably see the recent songs that you played. Although if you played a lot of other songs after that it may not be there. 😞 

2. Open up your mix playlist and there you should find the song! 

Hope I was helpful  !

Too late now but perhaps you could implement these as playlists although I understand that having a playlist of unwanted songs might cause trouble for many of your features. Anyways, from users point of view that would be handy.

The disliked songs list should be sticky on the bottom.

To me it's a joke that the programmers have not solved this issue.... Simple, script a reverse code into the dislike button so another click will undo the previous one....  **bleep** spotify.....


Orriginal coder must be like....


Sounds like someone who's never had to implement an undo queue! Not easy!


But yes... Would be nice to have an undo button or a list of likes dislikes to edit. 


I just accidental thumbs downed a song I really liked when I was trying to add it to a playlist. You're gone beautiful soon song! Too soon. Sniff. 

I completely agree. Nobody from spotify replying either. Too busy enjoying our data for themselves to share it with their own users. Gonna start spreading the word that spotify doesn't listen to their customers. Shame because I really wanted to support them over apple music. Will continue to bash them on any venue possible until they fix this problem. HEAR THAT SPOTIFY? Simply respond to people's requests and people will stop complaining. If not at least explain why it's not feasible!!! Otherwise I'm left to think you don't care about customer complaints. Lost a darn good song to the ether thanks to your dislike system while I was simply trying to skip to the next.


2nd this! This is stupid, Pandora you can edit your disliked list!

Same!!! Just lost a song I just fell in love with cause I dropped my phone and when I went to pick it up I hit dislike without seeing the screen... for a music platform with this much money, this is complete BS

Still no way to do this? I clicked "like" on a song, because I liked it, and then I hated the last half of the song. I would LOVE to un-like it, but I can't. Could we get an explanation as to why?

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