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Jam disappeared

Jam disappeared

Plan: Premium

Operating System: Android 11


My Question or Issue:

Jam disappeared. It's not in the app anymore.
The feature broke some time ago, and by that I mean the button for "start a jam" became unresponsive. One could click on it many times to no avail, nothing would ever happen.
I thought maybe updating the app would help, so I did that. To my surprise the update not only did not fix the Jam button, but removed it root and stem.
Is there any way to fix this, or is Spotify phasing out Jam?
I was kinda angry when they removed Group Sessions, but at least they "replaced" it with Jam. Not quite the same, yet it's still something. But what now?
I really hope it's just a bug and they are not planning on removing a feature for no reason. 😥

5 Replies

Hey there @Xaba,


Thanks for posting in the Community and welcome.


We could find the Jam by going to the Now Playing View, and tapping this icon at the bottom-left:

Note: If you're looking for this option on your playlists, remember those must be public in order for you to see the option.


If you've checked the above and you cannot see the option, then we'd suggest that you perform a clean reinstall of the app on the affected device. By doing that the app can be up-to-date and you can make sure the stored cache is not leading to this issue. You can see the steps for a clean reinstall here.


If the above doesn't do the trick, we'd like to gather some additional info. Please send us:

  • The make/model of the affected device.
  • The exact Spotify version you're running there.
  • A screenshot of what you see in the Now Playing View.
  • If this is happening under a playlist, send us the link to it (if possible) to see if we can replicate.

Keep us in the loop!

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Thank you for the reply!
I'm aware of where the jam button should be, that's how I noticed it's absence.
Just like I stated in my post, it's not there.
I've already did a clean reinstall of the app, unfortunately it does not help.
My device is an Xperia Z5 Compact, the installed Spotify version is
I attached the "now playing" screen as well as the screen where the jam button should be.
It's not just one playlist that's affected, the whole application seems to lack the feature.
Thank you for your help in advance!


Hey @Xaba,


Thank you for keeping in contact and for the info shared.


To continue investigating this, would you mind checking on a different device (using your own account) to see if it makes any difference? If you don't have another one available, you can borrow one from a friend or family member to test it out. 

It would also be great if you could have someone log in with their account on your device (it could be the same friend/family member), to see if the issue persists. 


Lastly, could you check if using a different Wi-Fi network makes any difference? In case you don't have another one available, you can use your mobile data to test it on.

We'll be on the lookout.

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I also have the same problem: There is no "Start Jam" in my Browser view / Web Player (with Firefox) and also not any more on my Android phone (running Spotify version

I have an active Premium subscription. I am using the local output (my PC when using the Web Player and the phone when playing via Android.



The button works for me, but searching my library, I noticed that my Jam with two people disappeared and I don't know why that is. It should be noted that I was not the creator of those Jams.


Does anyone know what this is due


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