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Scroll wheel

Scroll wheel

Dear Spotify,


I have some own created playlists where I have lots of music that I love. +1500 songs. 

What I loved about Android phones is that I could really easily scroll though the whole list on the right side of the phone.


Now that featured dissapeared which makes me really sad because fingers are already tired of scrolling trough that whole list by swiping like an iPhone user.


Please bring this feature back!


Kind regards,







We're sorry to hear you're unhappy with the changes in Spotify.

We're always testing things by adding or removing features to make Spotify better overall. We’re sorry that this means you’re not able to use the app like you could before.

We can't say if or when any specific features will be back. But as soon as we’ve got anything to announce, we’ll let everyone know over on the Spotify Community.

However, we do have a ideas board where you can post request to get back certain features (or new ones). Other users can then vote for and comment your post.

We are always keeping us updated on this forum so that we can see what feature is mostly sought after.

We hope this information helps you. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions tough.



Spotify Customer Support


13 Replies

Have you checked to see if that Idea already exists in the Ideas section? If it does then add your Kudos to show your support. If not, create a new idea and if it gets enough Kudos it may well happen!

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

It is not really a new Idea. It was already a feature on Android and now Spotify removed it.

To be honest the scroll bar actually annoyed me as when trying to tap the menu against a song the phone detected a tap to the scroll bar and instead of opening the menu I'd find myself half-way down the playlist.

But I can see for some with massive playlists it would be useful. Whilst it may not be a new idea, adding it as an idea means it will be made visible whereas topics in the help sections don;t always get seen by the staff.

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

I can understand that as well. Thanks for your respons! I will post it as an idea at the idea section!

Yes. That's my probleme, too. I would love to get back this feature. Thanks.

Came to the forum to see if anyone else had a missing scroll wheel. I also have large playlists that are now a pain to go through because of the removal of this feature. 

Just discovered this too after my darn phone thought updating spotify without asking me was a good idea.

Seriously wtf, how I'm a suppose to play my recently added song in my 600+ song list??
I'm not paying to have me crippled like this.


I installed the previous version and it now works again....yay =>

Need to resync offline lists again thou, which sucks.

Having the same prolem. With large playlists it almost makes the app unusable. It takes way to long to scroll through your music without the scrolling function. 

Can't agree more. This may make or break Spotify for me, I don't want to be spending 45 seconds getting to the bottom of my playlist every time I want to change song.

Terrible idea removing it, I can't see the logic in not just making it optional in the settings menu if some people didn't like it, but it is an absolute ballache not being able to do, needs a fix

Yes it's really makes no sense why the hell you take away a function completly, instead of just putting a choise to enable/disable in the settings...


So when are we gonna see a working update for spotify? I'm kinda tired of being forced to disable updates on my phone just to avoid getting the latest spotify cancer update...


// someone frustrated who has paid almost 5 years for this crap

As with a number of complaints listed already, I too have a grip load of songs on my primary playlist and find this removal to be a huge annoayance. I absolutely loved when the scroll wheel feature was introduced as it saved so much time with my ability to find the exact song I was wanting to listen to. It would be tremendously usefull to, at the very least, allow this as an option for members by adding it as a settings choice if there are members who do not like using the scroll wheel, because it would at least allow those of us who almost exclusively rely on it to not have to spend, literally, multiple minutes it now takes of my time attempting to seek just a few songs I'd like to add to cue, that used to take 1 minute for me to cue up 10 songs.


Please! Bring this feature back.

Ther scroll bar is back in the latest beta - please wait for this to be released to stable... but it is coming back you'll be pleased to know!

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

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