Listening to a playlist containing local files, Spotify will not advance from a local file to another local file. Instead, the player stops playing at the end of the current local file. At that point, no music is playing but the pause icon is visible and not the play icon.
What are the steps you took to get to the error/issue?
1. In the Android app, identify a playlist (imported by Spotify Windows desktop) containing at least two local files in a row. Sync the playlist over wifi to the phone.
2. In the Android app, open the playlist and play a "local" song that is followed by another local song.
3. When the song comes to the end, the next song does not play. Instead, the player seems to pause, except that in this pause mode the pause icon remains visible instead of the play icon.
1. Purchase the Molly Rankin She EP album online; this EP contains six songs. The URL is http://zunior.com/products/molly-rankin-she-ep. Import the MP3 files into Spotify Windows desktop.
2. In the Spotify Windows desktop app, create a playlist containing at least two She EP songs in a row.
3. In the Spotify Android app, open the new playlist and select "Available Offline." Wait fot the playlist to download.
4. Open the playlist and play the first Molly Rankin song. Wait for the song to end. When the song reaches its end, notice that the player does not continue to the next Molly Rankin song in the playlist.
What I expected to happen
At the end of the song, I expected Spotify to begin playing the next song in the playlist.
Did you restart your device when troubleshooting in section B?
Yes, and before that I deleted Spotify data and cache, uninstalled Spotify, made sure there was no com.spotify.music folder in my data directory, shut down my phone, removed the battery, replaced the battery, turned on my phone, and reinstalled Spofity.
Did you read the connection troubleshooting tips?
Your device
Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
Device’s Operating System
Android 4.4.2
What type of account do you have?
(FYI for the below points: Android devices tend to refer to the internal memory as "SD Card" and the SD card you inserted yourself as "External SD Card")
Space left on your device
13.74 GB of 32.00 GB
Space left on your External SD card (if applicable)
21.40 GB of 29.27 GB
Is your device rooted?
Are you using a custom ROM, if so which one, exactly?
Did you set your external SD card as storage location?
Did you manually install an older version before installing the latest version from the Play Store?
Do you have the same issue when switching between WiFi/Mobile Data (If applicable)?
If you said "No", when does the issue not occur?
My mobile Spotify version
My desktop Spotify version (if applicable)
My mobile provider and country
T-Mobile USA
My username
Do you have a Spotify (non-Facebook) login?
Are you logging in with Facebook or with your Spotify login details?
Spotify login
Do you have any screenshots you can attach to more clearly explain your issue?