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Tracks playing No sound

Tracks playing No sound

Premium subscriber.

Playing tracks as normal. Suddenly no sound is coming from my device (Sony Xperia Z5). The tracks are playing but no sound appears from the phone.

Tracks play from my laptop and other linked devices.(TV, wifes phone). All volume control settings have been checked and are set to maximum. No obvious reason for loss of sound.

I have uninstalled the app and re-installed but the problem persists.

Could it be the phone or an issue with the app?

Please help, in dire need of a solution for my morning commute. 

12 Replies

Hello @GCS79, welcome to the Spotify Community.  In this related post, @Bittencourt has suggested that turning on the Crossfade function might work.  why don't you give that a try and see if it helps.





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DJ Mikey
Strangeways Radio
Owner / Program Director

What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?

Thanks Michael

Time will tell. Temporary solution to the problem has been to switch my device off and on again which I did prioir to your response. Tracks are playing ok at the moment but the switch off and on solution has only worked for a short time in previous attempts. The problem soon reoccurs.

I've switched the crossfade on so hopefully that works.


Thanks again for your swift resposne to the issue.


Ok, play with it for a few days and lets see what happens.  if you still have the problem, then we can try other solutions.  If the problem goes away, then feel free to mark this as an accepted solution so others can benefit from the solution.


thanks and good luck!

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DJ Mikey
Strangeways Radio
Owner / Program Director

What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?

Hi Michael

So after a day all seemed ok however the problem has reoccured. After switching my phone off and on again it started working and still is. Kind of expecting this to be a temporary fix - which for the moment is fine but it makes for a real reliability issue with the app.

Any plan B ideas for this issue would be more than welcome.



I have the same issue. Ever since the update, the next track plays, but no sound. None of the steps mentioned works for me. The only thing that works, is rewind the track or skip it. Not very practical when driving, so I've been using Pandora for the road. Really sucks. There doesn't seem to be any solution in sight. I'm gonna try to download an earlier version. I'll repost if it works and provide links.

I just deleted the app and downloaded a previous version. Works perfect
now. I'm sure they'll fix it soon, but if you're impatient like me, here's
the link

Hi guys

Problem persists - playing tracks and no sound. Works sometimes but problem continually occurs. Only solution that works temporarily is to restart phone. Not ideal if just jumping in the car and putting on tunes for the journey - which is where I use Spotify most.


Adjusting crossfade didn't work for long (as suggeted above). Same issue persists. 


Driving me crazy. Didn't realise how much i relied on Spotify working. 


Just got a Sony Xperia Z5 last week. Could it be an issue with the phone? Previous phone Sony Xperia Z worked fine.


Any alternatiive solutions. Taking phone back to shop tomorrow but as handset is otherwise ok I expect they'll tell me it's nothing to do with them!




I have no idea why my reply shows up under a different user (sebsholer). I simply replied with my gmail and it shows up under that user's name. Very strange..

I'm having this problem too. Ever since the last big update Spotify is just not cooperating on my phone. I've done the crossfade thing, uninstalled and reinstalled (and had to redownload all my playlists >:() and still the problem persists. Everything usually works ok when I'm connected to wi-fi, but as soon as I try to listen to my stuff offline the sound drops out every other song. Super pain in the butt when I'm driving and having to restart every track to get sound for it. Hope they can get a patch for this issue soon.

Hi queenofweasels.
Sounds like the same issue, no sound for me at all regardless of WiFi or no WiFi. Works for a short time if I reinstall or just restart phone. Have tried removing and reinserting sim card and it works but I'm not expecting that to last. I tweeted @Spotifycares with issue and they assure me they are trying to fix my account. Not heard from them for nearly a day though which doesn't bode well.
Which device do you listen on? Is it new?
Thanks for your message.


I'm listening on my phone (Samsung gal.3). It's the same device I've been using Spotify on for monthes and I didn't start having this problem until the .8 update.

Any word back from IT on a fix yet?

I've kept at them for a fix but nothing yet. They've given me 2 months of subscription for free. Which is fine...when I can listen to music. When I can't.. What's the point.
Thought it might be a problem with my new phone but suspect it's a bug in the app. So frustrating that it works some of the time and then disappears.
Will post again if they find a fix. Not holding my breath.

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