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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
Hi there, I just bought a new Fire 7 tablet in replacement for my old
Lenovo. For some reason, the Fire doesn't download the local files. I
didn't have any problems with my Lenovo or my Sony mobile, so I'm kind
of clueless.Of course I'm in the same W...
Hi there, I just bought a new Fire 7 tablet in replacement for my old Lenovo. For some reason, the Fire doesn't download the local files. I didn't have any problems with my Lenovo or ...
Like to report that twice now, Ive opened spotify to find all my saved
albums are no longer available.I still have saved playlists, only
everything under artist tab is,missing.First time I believed was caused
by a software update clearing memory to u...
Like to report that twice now, Ive opened spotify to find all my saved albums are no longer available. I still have saved playlists, only everything under artist tab is,missing. First time I believ...
I have been using Spotify for a while and of all the music I've listened
to there's only one song that is incomplete. Try it for yourself, enter
"Royksopp" (artist) into the spotify search, go down to the album
"Senior" and choose the song "The Drug"...
I have been using Spotify for a while and of all the music I've listened to there's only one song that is incomplete. Try it for yourself, enter "Royksopp" (artist) into the spotify search, go down t...
Since the latest update (I'm on, playback keeps
stopping almost every other song when I'm out. The track is not stopped
or paused, but is stuck at 0:00 - rechoosing my phone in Spotify Connect
and skipping ahead in the track seems to...
Since the latest update (I'm on, playback keeps stopping almost every other song when I'm out. The track is not stopped or paused, but is stuck at 0:00 - rechoosing my phone in Spoti...
Hello, I am a Premium User. I download all Playlists to my Android Phone
(Samsung Galaxy I9000) but not all songs are downloading. Usually I add
complete Albums as playlists. As an example I added "Tegan and Sara -
Heartthrob" as a Playlist but three...
Hello, I am a Premium User. I download all Playlists to my Android Phone (Samsung Galaxy I9000) but not all songs are downloading. Usually I add complete Albums as playlists. As an ...
When I'm at work, I listen to my downloaded content. This appears to
generally work and I see no data usage as it should be. There is one
playlist that I follow that is different than all the others. It is
"Rock This". That playlist has video content...
When I'm at work, I listen to my downloaded content. This appears to generally work and I see no data usage as it should be. There is one playlist that I follow that is different than all...
Everytime I pause my music, on my android, even with no battery saver or
blue light blocker the notification and lock screen controls disappear
and I have to open the app to unpause my music. I also looked at similar
issues and spotify had full acces...
Everytime I pause my music, on my android, even with no battery saver or blue light blocker the notification and lock screen controls disappear and I have to open the app to unpause my music. I also ...
Hi, I added few songs this morning on spotify with my computer, but when
I want to listen to them on my phone, I have to be on the same WiFi
network.How can I listen to the songs I added when im not at home ?Thx
for repply, Vincent.
Hi, I added few songs this morning on spotify with my computer, but when I want to listen to them on my phone, I have to be on the same WiFi network. How can I listen to the songs I added when im no...
Hey all, I have been ignoring this issue for about a month now hoping it
would go away, but it hasn't, so here I am! I've been having issues with
tracks skipping - like a CD player when you go over that huge bump in
your old car. Not skipping whole t...
Hey all,
I have been ignoring this issue for about a month now hoping it would go away, but it hasn't, so here I am! I've been having issues with tracks skipping - like a CD player when yo...
Hey, my name is Adam and I currently use a Samsung Galaxy S5 for
Spotify. This problem only started around about a week ago but when I
opened up Spotify, it seemed to take ages to load everything - my
playlists, the application itself, images, the br...
Hey, my name is Adam and I currently use a Samsung Galaxy S5 for Spotify. This problem only started around about a week ago but when I opened up Spotify, it seemed to take ages to load everything - m...
Hi, I have a strange problem when I use spotify and run at the same
time. When im out jogging in areas with no cellphone reception, and
female voice suddenly say "You have no internet connection" (in
norwegian), song gets paused and spotify starts to...
Hi, I have a strange problem when I use spotify and run at the same time. When im out jogging in areas with no cellphone reception, and female voice suddenly say "You have no internet connection" (in...
have same trouble as soon i log on my Samsung galaxy S7 edge its
crashing.. after the new update ive gotten this issue as well as the
storage issue reported.. ive been using my SD card for download.. but i
had no issues with this before the latest 2 ...
have same trouble as soon i log on my Samsung galaxy S7 edge its crashing.. after the new update ive gotten this issue as well as the storage issue reported.. ive been using my SD card for dow...
Device:Huawei Y6 IIOperating System Version:Android 5.1Spotify
Version: downloaded songs pause
automatically. The songs that pause automatically are always the same
and they pause on the same spot in the song....
Device: Huawei Y6 II Operating System Version: Android 5.1 Spotify Version: Account: Premium Description: Some downloaded songs pause automatically. The songs that pause automatic...
Hi,Avec windows 10, je peux lire en aléatoire un ensemble de playlist.
Je crée un dossier et je mets plusieurs playlists dans ce dossier. Je
peux lire en aléatoire le dossier complet.Avec Android, je suis obligé
de choisir la playlist dans le dossier...
Hi, Avec windows 10, je peux lire en aléatoire un ensemble de playlist. Je crée un dossier et je mets plusieurs playlists dans ce dossier. Je peux lire en aléatoire le dossier complet. Avec Android...