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Problem with changing positions of songs in my playlist

Problem with changing positions of songs in my playlist

Hey everyone!


Hope someone can help me with this problem: I have  a big playlist right now with 1250 music pieces:


And until today, it was no problem for me, to order my playlist as i want to. But now, it does not work right anymore. When i select like 10 songs or so and want them to move, some songs just don`t move along with the others.


So the only solution for me right now is, to move every song on its own which is a pain in the **bleep** in such a big playlist and no real option for me.


Also my soundbar is freezing all them time.


Also it would be extremely helpful to have an option to put songs right into the beginning of the playlist.


Hope someone can help!

7 Replies

Hi shella!


That doesn't sound right. Did this happen after the update? 


First you should try restarting Spotify entirely. Close it completely, then open it again. Sometimes that works.

If that doesn't work, reinstall Spotify. First delete Spotify completely (Configuration screen>Programs>Spotify>Delete) then click here to reinstall it.


Why don't you post your idea here? That way we can all vote for it!

Hey, thank you for your answer! Does this will delete my playlist?


I just wanted to add that those two points: Freezing soundbar and this topic are the main reason, i do not have premium yet. I love spotify and i don't want to live without it anymore. But those two problems are really huge for me.


When my playlist does not get deleted, i can reinstall Spotify.



So i deleted Spotify and installed it after. Still have the same problem.

Hey shella,


Your playlist won't be deleted.


It's very strange that these problems still appear. Please hang on, I've asked for a second opinion on this. We'll figure it out.

Hey @user-removed!


We're working on it! Just a couple questions to help us figure out what is wrong:

  • Does this only happen with this playlist, or with any playlist?
  • Does this problem only start if you select 10 songs or more, or for any amount of songs?
  • What device do you use?
  • What version of Spotify are you on?

Hey, thank you for your efforts!


So i tried it again yesterday and i figured out, that it seems to be a graphical problem. It only appears, when i select more then three music pieces. But as i figured out, that it is just a graphical problem, it was easy to "solve" for me, by just double click on the position i want to have the music pieces. This worked for me.


To answer the questions: It happens with any playlist, I use windows desktop version, i don't know where i can see my spotify version but i just reinstalled it yesterday so it should be the actual version.


So it is not a real solution for my problem, but it is okay. I still have the problem with the freezing soundbar, but i saw, that there are a lot of threads with this topic so im not the only one with this problem and just hope that there will be a solution soon.


Greetings and thank you for your help.





Always here to help. 😉 Glad to hear you've at least found a workaround. We are (of course) still trying to figure out what's up and when we do I'll let you know! I think the issue might have to do with the size of your playlist.

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