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FIX SPOTIFY'S SHUFFLE. How can you even call it a shuffle. Even though I've deleted my cache and restartet the app many times, when I go to my playlist and select shuffle, not only one or two of the same songs get played, BUT IT'S THE SAME 6-7 SONGS IN THE SAME ORDER EACH TIME. It is mathematically impossible! I have three hours of different songs I want to hear. PLEASE make it more random, I know A LOT of people feel the same way. It's so frustrating!!


I have had this problem every day for the past year, across devices, and especially with the new DJ feature. Shuffle a playlist or start a new DJ session on a new device and you will get exactly the same "shuffled" music in the exact same order. Its like the device is improperly holding onto cached information from previous sessions. This is day one stuff for a music streaming platform...


strongly support this issue, I have a 70 hour playlist and the same songs appear each time. no matter which song I choose to start with, the same songs appear later on


I'm a shuffler of many self-made playlists and I've found myself coming back to beloved 100+ song playlists multiple times in a month, only to hear the same old songs from them coming back over and over again, with 50+ often still unplayed.


It'd be nice if there were a way to do stock rotation with shuffled playlist songs and throw up more regularly the ones that don't come up a lot every time you start your playlist again.


As it is now, I get bored of playlists easily and give up on them before I've heard the lesser-played songs as much as I'd like to.




Fun fact: 

Pure randomness is also mathematically impossible. 

Also, satisfying everyone who uses Spotify is also mathematically impossible. 


Normal shuffle is so broken that i would prefer to just have a purely random shuffle feature. Smart and dumb shuffle - problem solved. It seems to me that all they care about is engagement, so they will play your favorite songs twice or 3 times a day until you hate them ... so frustrating!


Unless I switch playlists around and do a bunch of random stuff on the app I'm getting the same order of like 40 songs out of my 100 hour "Liked Songs" playlist. Please let us have normal pseudorandom shuffle like we used to back in the day. I use both smart shuffle and normal shuffle almost equally because sometimes I like discovering new stuff, sometimes I want "my" stuff to play.


Yes! Out of 300 songs on a playlist. I keep hearing the same 5 songs. Over and over


Please do this. For reference, see Pandora's radio mode, which contains filters for "Discovery," "Deep Cuts," "Chill," etc. - all within the station you've created. 


@Mitre226644, no need to be true random. All you need is preventing repetition by having an actual shuffle


Yep it annoys the **bleep** out of me too! Carefully spend time creating a playlist on whatever theme/subject and set it to shuffle and you often end up hearing the same songs out of the (let's say) 100 songs in the playlist. So you then restart the playlist with a track that hasn't been played for a while and let shuffle take over - but you end up with the same songs again. With all the investments in AI etc surely someone can come up with a better Shuffle? 


Also, Spotify should focus on music and not waste time and money on podcasts/courses/audiobooks - but that's another rant!