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[Hardware] The Spotify Player

I would like Spotify to develop a (touchscreen if possible) - Hifi system machine with display


I am sick of having my laptop on all day just to play Spotify - or my phone


Please build a product - I can log into Spotify on and leave that on all day - without never needing my laptop or phone again


To give my other devices a rest - I know there are radio's that have 'Spotify connect" on it but the ones I saw require phone connection and internet connection etc unless anyone can comment and recommend something - i do not believe this has been done yet and i hope Spotify or some company capable of creating this does it - cos i think it could be a gold mine for those - worried about the battery life of their devices that shouldn't be used as a cd player in 2020


I would love one that can download my 3k song playlists and store that on it and just play that all night and day etc - so it will need a good amount of storage


Look forward to your replies and hopefully you vote it up - so i can get an official reply




Updated on 2023-03-23

Hey everyone,


This suggestion got moved to the wrong place by mistake and we're setting it to live idea again. Thank you all for bringing your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here. Please continue to add your votes and support this idea, so that it would have a better chance of being considered, as Spotify always strives to improve your experience.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Hi there!

My name is Lavnya and I recently got this banger idea to make Spotify even more successful and better, I'd love to share it with you!
I had an idea to make a Spotify Speaker, this would be a product that people would buy in a normal tech store. Basically, the speaker connects to your Spotify account and every time you tell it to play a song, it would do just that. It could also have a couple of other cool features such as naming your top songs and artists exactly how you can already check on your laptop except it would be much more convenient. 
A product like this would be such a popular hit, especially if you make it portable for travel and things like that. It's like using a Bluetooth speaker except for the fact that you can stream Spotify while having a higher volume with it. I would definitely buy something like this and I know plenty of people who would too. Getting different artists who use Spotify to help promote it would help a lot as well!
Thank you so much for your time!
I would really love it if you do end up using this idea eventually and create this product in the near future, I could be credited as I haven't heard about anyone who has thought of this idea yet.
Kind Regards,
Lavnya Singh
Status changed to: Not Right Now

Updated on 2023-03-23

Hey everyone,


This suggestion got moved to the wrong place by mistake and we're setting it to live idea again. Thank you all for bringing your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here. Please continue to add your votes and support this idea, so that it would have a better chance of being considered, as Spotify always strives to improve your experience.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


I just up voted it from "404" to "405" so we should be able to get some where now?


I do have to say I recently talked myself into purchasing an Apple TV, I currently have it hooked up to a mini projector that's USB only powered with no battery, plugged into a USB charger on a 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h timer next to my bed with an HDMI audio extractor heading off to a headphone amplifier and powered speakers. The projector turns off on a timer and music continues on speakers or headphones. This was an indirect workaround that I just discovered that is very relevant to this topic. As I was looking for a way to fall asleep to stuff without having to have my laptop open. Not that that has been a problem because I usually fall asleep within the first 10 minutes of a YouTube video then wake up at three in the morning close the lid and then when I wake up again try to figure out where I was in the video and hope dear God that I didn't do this on a playlist. PS get older Apple TV on eBay cheaper.


Edit: I also have a car thing. It would be nice if there was a home thing (just thought of that name it would be perfect please give me credit) it would be very similar. that had an optional battery that could be powered without the battery, had Bluetooth output and auxiliary plus headphone out. I originally got my car thing not thinking of using it in the car for another redacted privateering situation outside of the home/car use then found out there's people using them on their desks. I think it has a really nice interface. I did actually end up putting it in my car I like it that much and would like another.